#!/bin/bash ############################################################################### # linuxdoc-tools.build # Build & install all components that form the linuxdoc-tools Slackware Package. # by Stuart Winter # 01-Oct-2005 ############################################################################### # This currently installs onto the filesystem. altertrack (from slacktrack) will # build you a good package. The other way would be to create individual packages. # Having looked at the spec and Debian rules files and seen some of the kludges, # I concluded that it's far easier to install everything onto the filesystem - # especially since scripts already exist to track and build packages such build # scripts. # If you don't want to use altertrack then take heed of the additional pre and post # build scripts 'trackbuild.linuxdoc-tools' and 'postbuildfixes.sh' respectively. # # The configuration options are based on the RPM spec files contained # in the source RPMs used to build the original sgmltools Slackware # package. This helps keep the package as similar as possible. # Bundled package versions: LINUXDOCTOOLSVER=0.9.21 SGMLCOMMONVER=0.6.3 OPENJADEVER=1.3.2 OPENSPVER=1.5.1 DOCBOOKVER=4.3 DOCBOOKUTILSVER=0.6.14 GTKDOCVER=1.4 SGMLSPLVER=1.03ii # jadetex was folded into the teTeX packages: #JADETEXVER=3.13 # Base names of the source RPMs that we use to build docbook. # Do not alter the order of these unless you know what you're doing: # the installation order is important -- we can't let RPM resolve # dependencies (which it normally would if you issued rpm -Uvh *.rpm) # because this is not a Red Hat box so RPM doesn't know about our # installed Slackware packages. # The installation order came from examining the .spec files. export DOCBOOKS="docbook-dtds docbook-simple docbook-style-xsl docbook-style-dsssl docbook-slides" # Determine the general CFLAGS for the known architectures: case $ARCH in arm) export SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=armv3 -mtune=xscale" ;; i486) export SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686" ;; s390) export SLKCFLAGS="-O2" ;; x86_64) export SLKCFLAGS="-O2 -fPIC" ;; esac if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then export LIBSUFFIX=64 export SLKLDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib64" fi # Install the XML catalogue population script: # This was taken from the original Slackware 'source/ap/sgml-tools/updates/' directory. bzcat $CWD/sources/buildDocBookCatalog.bz2 > /usr/bin/buildDocBookCatalog chmod 755 /usr/bin/buildDocBookCatalog # The build order is purposive -- don't modify it unless you know # what you're doing. ####################### Build OpenSP ############################ # Extract source: cd $TMP tar zxvvf $CWD/sources/OpenSP-$OPENSPVER.tar.gz cd OpenSP-$OPENSPVER chown -R root:root . chmod -R og-w . # Apply patches: zcat $CWD/sources/OpenSP-1.5.1-gcc34-1.patch.gz | patch -p1 --verbose || exit 1 # Configure: LDFLAGS="$SLKLDFLAGS" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --mandir=/usr/man \ --libdir=/usr/lib64 \ --enable-default-catalog=/etc/sgml/catalog \ --enable-default-search-path=/usr/share/sgml \ --enable-http \ --enable-shared \ --enable-static || exit 1 # Build: make || exit 1 # Remove docs dir: rm -rf /usr/doc/OpenSP* # Install onto the filesystem: make install # Create symlinks to binaries: ( cd /usr/bin for file in nsgmls sgmlnorm spam spent sx ; do rm -f $file ln -fs o$file $file done ) # Fix man pages: ( cd /usr/man/man1 for file in nsgmls sgmlnorm spam spent sx ; do rm -f ${file}.1* ln -fs o${file}.1 ${file}.1 done ) # Rename docs directory: mv -f /usr/doc/OpenSP /usr/doc/OpenSP-$OPENSPVER ####################### Build OpenJade ############################ # Extract source: cd $TMP tar zxvvf $CWD/sources/openjade-$OPENJADEVER.tar.gz cd openjade-$OPENJADEVER* chown -R root:root . chmod -R og-w . # Apply patches: zcat $CWD/sources/openjade-1.3.1-nsl.patch.gz | patch -p1 --verbose || exit 1 # Configure: LDFLAGS="$SLKLDFLAGS" \ CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS" \ CXXFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --mandir=/usr/man \ --libdir=/usr/lib64 \ --datadir=/usr/share/sgml/openjade \ --enable-default-catalog=/etc/sgml/catalog \ --enable-default-search-path=/usr/share/sgml \ --enable-static \ --disable-shared \ --enable-http \ --enable-html \ --enable-mif || exit 1 # Build: make || exit 1 # Install onto the filesystem: mkdir -p /etc/sgml make install chmod 644 dsssl/* cp -fa dsssl/* /etc/sgml # this includes the 'catalog' file. rm -f /etc/sgml/README* # Incase later builds can't find the catalog file: #export SGML_CATALOG_FILES="./catalog;/etc/sgml/catalog" # Create binary symlinks: ( cd /usr/bin && ln -fs openjade jade ) # Fix man pages: install -m644 docsrc/openjade.1 /usr/man/man1 ( cd /usr/man/man1 && ln -fs openjade.1 jade.1 ) # Copy docs: mkdir -pm755 /usr/doc/openjade-$OPENJADEVER cp -fa COPYING NEWS README VERSION doc/* dsssl/README.jadetex pubtext jadedoc unicode \ /usr/doc/openjade-$OPENJADEVER # The original package has this file, but it has most of the world's documentation # too; we'll leave it in for the time being but I don't like it. # rm -f /usr/doc/openjade-$OPENJADEVER/doc/Makefile ####################### Build sgml-common ############################ # Extract source. We're using a source RPM since it contains a number of # patches that we need: cd $TMP # Extract the contents of the source rpm: rpm2tgz $CWD/sources/sgml-common-${SGMLCOMMONVER}*.src.rpm tar zxvvf sgml-common-*src.tgz cd sgml-common-$SGMLCOMMONVER-* # Extract the real source archive: tar zxvvf sgml-common-$SGMLCOMMONVER.tgz cd sgml-common-$SGMLCOMMONVER chown -R root:root . chmod -R og-w . # Apply patches (these are included in the source rpm): patch -p1 < ../sgml-common-umask.patch || exit 1 patch -p1 < ../sgml-common-xmldir.patch || exit 1 patch -p1 < ../sgml-common-quotes.patch || exit 1 # Hacks from the spec file: tar zxvvf ../sgml-common-automake.tar.gz patch -p1 < ../sgml-common-automake.patch || exit 1 patch -p1 < ../sgml-common-0.6.3-docdir.patch || exit 1 # Configure: aclocal automake --add-missing --copy LDFLAGS="$SLKLDFLAGS" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib64 \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --with-etcsgml=/etc/sgml || exit 1 # Build: make || exit 1 # Install onto the filesystem: make -e 'mkdir_p=mkdir -p' install || exit 1 # Install docs: cp -fa COPYING AUTHORS INSTALL NEWS README ../sgml-common-CHANGES \ /usr/doc/sgml-common-$SGMLCOMMONVER ######################## Build jadetex ############################ # ## sgmltools-lite's POSTINSTALL document suggests that if jadetex ## is eating huge amounts of RAM, we need to configure it thusly: ## cat << EOF > /usr/share/texmf/texmf.cnf ## hash_extra.jadetex = 15000 ## pool_size.jadetex = 200000 ## max_strings.jadetex = 50000 ## save_size.jadetex = 15000 ##EOF ## chmod 644 /usr/share/texmf/texmf.cnf ## ## Slackware's t/tetex package contains this config file (without the ## .jadetext config) so I won't overwrite it here. However, we may ## wish to append this configuration to an install script for ## this package; but it'd get overwritten by new versions of ## t/tetex. Perhaps this configuration could be added to the tetex package? # ## Extract source: #cd $TMP #tar zxvvf $CWD/sources/jadetex-$JADETEXVER.tar.gz #cd jadetex-$JADETEXVER #chown -R root:root . #chmod -R og-w . # ## Build: ## The install phase breaks if we use tex or etex, so we use latex instead: #sed -ie "s?tex -ini?latex -ini?" Makefile #make || exit 1 # ## Install onto filesystem: #make install || exit 1 # ## Create jadetex symlinks to the TeTex binaries: #( cd /usr/bin # rm -f jadetex pdfjadetex # ln -fs /usr/share/texmf/bin/latex jadetex # ln -fs /usr/share/texmf/bin/pdfetex pdfjadetex ) # ## Update the references to jadetex & pdfjadetex: #mktexlsr # ## Install man pages - these are missed by the Makefile: #mkdir -p /usr/man/man1 #install -m644 jadetex.1 pdfjadetex.1 /usr/man/man1 # ####################### Build sgml-tools-lite ######################## # We're not building this -- see linuxdoc-tools below. # Extract source: #cd $TMP #tar zxvvf $CWD/sources/sgmltools-lite-$SGMLTOOLSVER.tar.gz #cd sgmltools-lite-$SGMLTOOLSVER #chown -R root:root . #chmod -R og-w . # Clean up CVS left over junk: #find . -name CVS -type d -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf #find . -name .cvsignore -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf # Configure: #CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS" \ #./configure \ # --prefix=/usr \ # --with-etcsgml=/etc/sgml \ # --sysconfdir=/etc \ # --datadir=/usr/share \ # --mandir=/usr/man \ # --with-dbimages=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets/images/ || exit 1 # Build: #make || exit 1 # Install onto the filesystem: #make install || exit 1 ## Create symlink to man page: #( cd /usr/man/man1 && ln -fs sgmltools-lite.1 sgmltools.1 ) # Remove useless catalog samples: #rm -rf /etc/sgml/catalog.* # Create a new catalog file: #buildcat > /etc/sgml/catalog # Copy docs: #mkdir -pm755 /usr/doc/sgmltools-lite-$SGMLTOOLSVER #cp -fa COPYING POSTINSTALL README \ # /usr/doc/sgmltools-lite-$SGMLTOOLSVER ####################### Build linuxdoc-tools ######################## # # This is the suite that replaced the original 'sgml-tools' package. # It was later superceded by sgml-tools-lite. # However, sgmltools-lite is missing things such as the sgml2{rtf,txt} # et al. # So we'll use linuxdoc-tools to maintain as much compatability # with the original Slackware package as possible. # But if you want to use sgml-tools-lite then uncomment the above # code, but be aware that there may be some file name clashes. # Update of the /etc/xml/ catalogue data: rm -f /etc/xml/catalog # otherwise the buildDocBookCatalog can't update it /usr/bin/buildDocBookCatalog # Extract source: cd $TMP rpm2tgz $CWD/sources/linuxdoc-tools-${LINUXDOCTOOLSVER}*.src.rpm # Extract the contents of the source rpm: tar zxvvf linuxdoc-tools-${LINUXDOCTOOLSVER}*.src.tgz cd linuxdoc-tools-${LINUXDOCTOOLSVER}* # Extract the real source archive: tar zxvvf linuxdoc-tools_$LINUXDOCTOOLSVER.tar.gz cd linuxdoc-tools-$LINUXDOCTOOLSVER chown -R root:root . chmod -R og-w . # Apply patches (these are included in the source rpm): patch --verbose -p1 < ../linuxdoc-tools-0.9.13-letter.patch || exit 1 patch --verbose -p1 < ../linuxdoc-tools-0.9.20-strip.patch || exit 1 patch --verbose -p1 < ../linuxdoc-tools-0.9.20-lib64.patch || exit 1 patch --verbose -p1 < ../linuxdoc-tools-0.9.21-badif.patch || exit 1 # Configure: ( cd entity-map autoconf LDFLAGS="$SLKLDFLAGS" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --mandir=/usr/man \ --libdir=/usr/lib64 \ --with-installed-nsgmls ) || exit 1 # --with-installed-iso-entities \ LDFLAGS="$SLKLDFLAGS" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --mandir=/usr/man \ --libdir=/usr/lib64 \ --with-installed-nsgmls || exit 1 # --with-installed-iso-entities \ # Build: make -i OPTIMIZE="$SLKCFLAGS" \ prefix=/usr \ mandir=/usr/man \ PERL=/usr/bin/perl \ LINUXDOCDOC=/usr/doc/linuxdoc-tools-$LINUXDOCTOOLSVER # Ensure that we install this into Perl's site_perl directory. Red Hat has # a 'vendor_perl' directory; we don't. eval `perl '-V:installsitelib'` # Install into package: #make prefix=/tmp/pkg/usr \ # mandir=/tmp/pkg/usr/man \ # bindir=/tmp/pkg/usr/bin \ # perl5libdir=/tmp/pkg/$installsitelib \ # PERL=/usr/bin/perl \ # LINUXDOCDOC=/tmp/pkg/usr/doc/linuxdoc-tools-$LINUXDOCTOOLSVER \ # install # Install onto the filesystem: make prefix=/usr \ mandir=/usr/man \ bindir=/usr/bin \ PERL=/usr/bin/perl \ perl5libdir=/$installsitelib \ LINUXDOCDOC=/usr/doc/linuxdoc-tools-$LINUXDOCTOOLSVER \ install || exit 1 ####################### Install docbook ############################ # There are three ways of doing this: # [1] Spend a considerable amount of time writing a docbook build script. # Having examined Debian's and Fedora's scripts, I realised that # this would consume too much time, but would be ideal. # [2] Build Fedora's source RPMs and install them - this is the way it was # done previously in Slackware. # [3] Install the prebuilt noarch RPMs which will be identical to those # built from this script. # # I choose the [2]. I chose [3] for a brief moment due to rpm not knowing # about more recent additions to the ARM architecture family, but then # I found that rpm won't even install a *noarch* RPM if it doesn't # recognise the architecture reported from uname(2). LD_PRELOAD is great. # This is option [3]: #for rpmfile in $DOCBOOKS ; do # # Install the pre-built RPM onto the filesystem: # rpm --force --nodeps -Uvh $CWD/sources/$rpmfile-*noarch.rpm || exit 2 # # Update the XML catalogue data: # rm -f /etc/xml/catalog # /usr/bin/buildDocBookCatalog #done # Option [2]: # Save any previous rpm macros file: if [ -f ~/.rpmmacros ]; then mv -f ~/.rpmmacros ~/.rpmmacros.bak fi # We'll have none of this /usr/src/rpm hanky panky: cat << EOF > ~/.rpmmacros %_topdir $TMP/rpms/ EOF # Why can't rpm do this itself? mkdir -p $TMP/rpms/{BUILD/noarch,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS,tmp,wrappers} # Install my tar wrapper to work around older versions of RPM # so that we call unzip instead of tar when required: # I know, I know! install -m755 $CWD/tar-wrapper $TMP/rpms/wrappers/tar # Remove the xml catalogue and rebuild it. # The docbook RPM install scriptlets throw a wobbly if the # file is 0 bytes or doesn't exist: rm -f /etc/xml/catalog /usr/bin/buildDocBookCatalog # Build & install RPMs: # On Red Hat, rpmbuild should work to save us faffing about extracting # sources, but on Slackware it doesn't seem to work reliably (rpm tries to # use tar to extract zip files and so on; maybe because the version of rpm # Slackware ships is older). This way I can wrap tar and prevent the builds # from failing; plus we can inject any of our own patches more easily in the # future. for rpmbasename in $DOCBOOKS ; do rpmfile=$CWD/sources/$rpmbasename-*.src.rpm echo "[**] Building $rpmfile [**]" # Clean out the temp & source directories: rm -rf $TMP/rpms/tmp/* rm -rf $TMP/rpms/SOURCES/* ( cd $TMP/rpms/tmp # Add the tar wrapper to the PATH so rpm finds the tar wrapper: export PATH=$TMP/rpms/wrappers:$PATH # Convert the Source RPM into a tar archive: rpm2tgz $rpmfile # Extract the tar archive into the RPM 'SOURCES' directory: tar zxvvf ${rpmbasename}*.tgz -C $TMP/rpms/SOURCES # Build the binary RPM: cd $TMP/rpms/SOURCES/${rpmbasename}* cp -fa * ../ # So that RPM can find the sources... it's just an uphill struggle, this thing.. rpmbuild -bb --nodeps --rebuild $rpmbasename.spec || exit 2 ) done # Install the new RPM onto the filesystem. Previously I was # converting it into a tgz then exploding it onto the filesystem but # the problem with that was that it wasn't updating the /etc/sgml/catalog # files. The post install script for the RPMs handles all of this. # Install in the right order. This line below works but that may be # because the shell happens to choose the right order due to file name sorting. # Best be safe for the future: # rpm --force --nodeps -Uvh $TMP/rpms/RPMS/noarch/*.rpm || exit 2 ( cd $TMP/rpms/RPMS/noarch for rpmname in $DOCBOOKS ; do rpm --force --nodeps -Uvh ${rpmname}*.rpm done ) || exit 2 # If there was one, move back the original ~/.rpmmacros file: if [ -f ~/.rpmmacros.bak ]; then mv -f ~/.rpmmacros.bak ~/.rpmmacros else rm -f ~/.rpmmacros # to save breaking any future build using rpm fi ####################### Build docbook-utils ######################## # docbook-utils requires some of the docbook docs to be installed # prior to being built. # Extract source: cd $TMP rpm2tgz $CWD/sources/docbook-utils-${DOCBOOKUTILSVER}*.src.rpm tar zxvvf docbook-utils-*src.tgz cd docbook-utils-${DOCBOOKUTILSVER}* tar zxvvf docbook-utils-$DOCBOOKUTILSVER.tar.gz cd docbook-utils-$DOCBOOKUTILSVER chown -R root:root . chmod -R og-w . # Apply patches: patch -p1 < ../docbook-utils-spaces.patch || exit 1 # Configure: LDFLAGS="$SLKLDFLAGS" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib64 \ --mandir=/usr/man || exit 1 # Build: make || exit 1 # Install onto the filesystem: make -i install htmldir=/usr/doc/docbook-utils-$DOCBOOKUTILSVER/html || read k # exit 1 # Due to the html files not existing, this directory is currently empty: rmdir /usr/doc/docbook-utils-$DOCBOOKUTILSVER/html # db2html is not just a symlink, as it has to create the output directory: rm -f /usr/bin/db2html install -m755 ../db2html /usr/bin install -m644 ../gdp-both.dsl /usr/share/sgml/docbook/utils-$DOCBOOKUTILSVER/docbook-utils.dsl # Make binary symlinks: ( cd /usr/bin for util in dvi html pdf ps rtf ; do rm -f db2$util ln -fs docbook2$util db2$util done ) # Make man page symlinks: ( cd /usr/man/man1 for util in dvi html pdf ps rtf ; do rm -f db2$util.1* ln -fs jw.1 db2$util.1 done ) # Install docs: mkdir -pm755 /usr/doc/docbook-utils-$DOCBOOKUTILSVER cp -fa AUTHORS NEWS README TODO \ /usr/doc/docbook-utils-$DOCBOOKUTILSVER ####################### Build gtk-doc ############################### # Re-generate /etc/xml catalogue data: rm -f /etc/xml/catalog /usr/bin/buildDocBookCatalog # Extract source: cd $TMP tar jxvvf $CWD/sources/gtk-doc-$GTKDOCVER.tar.bz2 cd gtk-doc-$GTKDOCVER chown -R root:root . chmod -R og-w . # Configure: LDFLAGS="$SLKLDFLAGS" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib64 \ --enable-public-id || exit 1 # Install onto the filesystem: make install || exit 1 # Install docs: mkdir -pm755 /usr/doc/gtk-doc-$GTKDOCVER cp -fa AUTHORS COPYING INSTALL MAINTAINERS NEWS README TODO \ /usr/doc/gtk-doc-$GTKDOCVER ####################### Build SGMLSPL ############################## # Extract source: cd $TMP tar zxvvf $CWD/sources/libsgmls-perl_$SGMLSPLVER.orig.tar.gz cd libsgmls-perl-$SGMLSPLVER.orig chown -R root:root . chmod -R og-w . zcat $CWD/sources/libsgmls-perl_$SGMLSPLVER-*.diff.gz | patch -p1 || exit 1 # Configure: perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site || exit 1 # Slackware man pages live in /usr/man: sed -i 's?/share/man?/man/?g' Makefile # Build: make OPTIMIZE="$SLKCFLAGS" || exit 1 # Install into filesystem: make install PREFIX=/usr sed 's?usr/share/doc/sgmls-doc/?usr/doc/sgmlspl-'"$SGMLSPLVER"'/?g' sgmlspl.1 > /usr/man/man1/sgmlspl.1 # Copy docs: mkdir -pm755 /usr/doc/sgmlspl-$SGMLSPLVER cp -fa BUGS COPYING README TODO \ /usr/doc/sgmlspl-$SGMLSPLVER cp -fa DOC/HTML/{SGMLSpm,sgmlspl} \ /usr/doc/sgmlspl-$SGMLSPLVER ####################################################################### # Do a final update of the /etc/xml/ catalogue data: rm -f /etc/xml/catalog /usr/bin/buildDocBookCatalog # Install the package description: rm -rf /install mkdir -pm755 /install install -m644 $CWD/slack-desc /install