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Make sure there is a disc in the drive. <6>Disc change detected. SCSI error: host %d id %d lun %d return code = %x Sense class %x, sense error %x, extended sense %x IOCTL Releasing command UNKNOWNPrevent/Allow Medium RemovalSend DiagnosticReceive DiagnosticStart/Stop UnitMode SenseEraseCopyReleaseReserveMode SelectRecover Buffered DataInquirySpaceWrite FilemarksRead ReverseSeek (6)Write (6)Read (6)Reasssign BlocksRead Block LimitsFormat UnitRequest SenseRezero UnitTest Unit ReadyWrite LongRead LongUpdate BlockRead BufferWrite BufferCopy VerifyCompareMedium ScanRead Defect DataLock/Unlock CacheSynchronize CachePrefetch or Read PositionSet LimitsSearch LowSearch EqualSearch HighVerifyWrite VerifySeek (10)Write (10)Read (10)Read CapacityMode Sense (10)Mode Select (10)Log SenseLog SelectRead TOCWrite SameChange DefinitionRESERVEDVENDOR SPECIFIC%s(0x%02x) %s %02x Reservation ConflictIntermediate GoodBusyCondition GoodCheck ConditionGoodPower-on or self-test failure (%x)Data path failure (%x)Diagnostic failure on component (%x)Ram failure (%x)Illegal mode for this trackEnd of user area encountered on this trackScan head positioning errorOut of focusUnable to acquire videoVideo acquisition errorLamp failureSpindles not synchronizedSpindles synchronizedRpl status changeLog list codes exhaustedLog counter at maximumThreshold condition metLog exceptionOperator selected write permitOperator selected write protectOperator medium removal requestOperator request or state change input (unspecified)Updated block readGeneration does not existUnable to recover table-of-contentsSystem resource failureScsi to host system interface failureMedium removal preventedUnload tape failureMedia load or eject failedCartridge faultErase failurePosition error related to timingWrite append position errorWrite append errorOverlapped commands attemptedLogical unit failed self-configurationData phase errorCommand phase errorInvalid message errorInitiator detected error message receivedScsi parity errorUnsuccessful soft resetSelect or reselect failureInternal target failureMessage errorInquiry data has changedChanged operating definitionMicrocode has been changedTarget operating conditions have changedLogical unit has not self-configured yetInvalid bits in identify messageMedium source element emptyMedium destination element fullPosition past beginning of mediumPosition past end of mediumRead past beginning of mediumRead past end of mediumReposition errorFailed to sense bottom-of-formFailed to sense top-of-formPaper jamSlew failureTape or electronic vertical forms unit not readyTape position error at end-of-mediumTape position error at beginning-of-mediumSequential positioning errorMedium not presentSaving parameters not supportedRounded parameterRibbon, ink, or toner failureTape length errorDefect list update failureNo defect spare location availableFormat command failedMedium format corruptedCleaning cartridge installedCannot read medium - incompatible formatCannot read medium - unknown formatIncompatible medium installedCommands cleared by another initiatorOverwrite error on update in placeInvalid combination of windows specifiedToo many windows specifiedCommand sequence errorCopy cannot execute since host cannot disconnectLog parameters changedMode parameters changedParameters changedPower on, reset, or bus device reset occurredImport or export element accessedNot ready to ready transition (medium may have changed)Write protectedThreshold parameters not supportedParameter value invalidParameter not supportedInvalid field in parameter listLogical unit not supportedInvalid field in cdbIllegal function (should use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)Invalid element addressLogical block address out of rangeInvalid command operation codeRecovered id with ecc correctionMiscompare during verify operationGrown defect list not foundPrimary defect list not foundDefect list not foundSynchronous data transfer errorParameter list length errorDefect list error in grown listDefect list error in primary listDefect list not availableDefect list errorRecovered data - recommend reassignmentRecovered data with lecRecovered data with circRecovered data - data auto-reallocatedRecovered data with error correction and retries appliedRecovered data with error correction appliedRecovered data without ecc - recommend reassignmentRecovered data without ecc - data auto-reallocatedRecovered data using previous sector idRecovered data with retries and/or circ appliedRecovered data with negative head offsetRecovered data with positive head offsetRecovered data with retriesRecovered data with no error correction appliedData synchronization mark errorPositioning error detected by read of mediumMechanical positioning errorRandom positioning errorBlock sequence errorEnd-of-data not foundFilemark or setmark not foundRecord not foundRecorded entity not foundAddress mark not found for data fieldAddress mark not found for id fieldUnrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the dataUnrecovered read error - recommend reassignmentMiscorrected errorNo gap foundIncomplete block readData resynchronization errorCirc unrecovered errorL-ec uncorrectable errorUnrecovered read error - auto reallocate failedMultiple read errorsError too long to correctRead retries exhaustedUnrecovered read errorId crc or ecc errorWrite error - auto reallocation failedWrite error recovered with auto reallocationWrite errorError log overflowSpindle servo failureFocus servo failureTracking servo failureTrack following errorLogical unit communication parity errorLogical unit communication time-outLogical unit communication failureMultiple peripheral devices selectedNo reference position foundLogical unit does not respond to selectionLogical unit not ready, format in progressLogical unit not ready, manual intervention requiredLogical unit not ready, initializing command requiredLogical unit is in process of becoming readyLogical unit not ready, cause not reportableExcessive write errorsNo write currentPeripheral device write faultNo seek completeNo index/sector signalNo current audio status to returnAudio play operation stopped due to errorAudio play operation successfully completedAudio play operation pausedAudio play operation in progressI/O process terminatedEnd-of-data detectedBeginning-of-partition/medium detectedSetmark detectedEnd-of-partition/medium detectedFilemark detectedKey=15MiscompareVolume OverflowEqualAborted CommandCopy AbortedKey=9Blank CheckData ProtectUnit AttentionIllegal RequestHardware ErrorMedium ErrorNot ReadyRecovered ErrorNoneextra data not valid FMK EOM ILI CurrentDeferredInvalid%s error %s%s: sense key %s Additional sense indicates %s Additional sense indicates %s%s: old sense key %s %s%s: sns = %2x %2x Non-extended sense class %d code 0x%0x Release RecoveryInitiate RecoveryClear QueueAbort TagBus device resetLinked Command Complete w/flagLinked Command CompleteMessage Parity ErrorNopMessage RejectAbortInitiator ErrorDisconnectRestore PointersSave PointersCommand CompleteOrdered Queue TagIgnore Wide ResidueHead of Queue TagSimple Queue TagWide Data Transfer RequestSCSI-I Extended IdentifySynchronous Data Transfer RequestModify Data PointerExtended Message, reserved code (0x%02x) pointer = %dperiod = %d ns, offset = %dwidth = 2^%d bytestarget routinelunnot Identify disconnect %sallowed %s %d reserved (%02x) %s %02x reserved two byte (%02x %02x) scsi%d : destination target %d, lun %d command = DID_BAD_INTRDID_RESETDID_ERRORDID_PARITYDID_ABORTDID_BAD_TARGETDID_TIME_OUTDID_BUS_BUSYDID_NO_CONNECTDID_OKHostbyte=0x%02xis invalid (%s) DRIVER_HARDDRIVER_TIMEOUTDRIVER_INVALIDDRIVER_ERRORDRIVER_MEDIADRIVER_SOFTDRIVER_BUSYDRIVER_OKSUGGEST_SENSESUGGEST_DIESUGGEST_REMAPSUGGEST_ABORTSUGGEST_RETRYSUGGEST_OKDriverbyte=0x%02xinvalid(%s,%s) %s The driver does not yet support the proc-fs Not enough memory to register SCSI HBA in /proc/scsi ! %dHost: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d Vendor: %c Model: Rev: Unknown Type: %s ANSI SCSI revision: %02x CCS $Header: /mnt/ide/home/eric/CVSROOT/linux/drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c,v 1.10 1997/12/08 04:50:35 eric Exp $Adding timer for command %p at %d (%p) Clearing timer for command %p Command timed out active=%d busy=%d failed=%d scsi_error.cscsi: trying to call schedule() in interrupt, file %s, line %d. Open returning %d In scsi_eh_times_out %p Missing scsi error handler thread In eh_done %p result:%x cannot allocate scsi_result in scsi_request_sense. cannot allocate scsi_result in scsi_test_unit_ready. Sleeping for timer tics %d send_eh_cmnd: %p eh_state:%x scsi_error.c: device offline - report as SUCCESS scsi_error.c: Waking up host to restart Calling request function to restart things... Error handler prematurely woken - commands still active (%p %x %d) scsi_unjam_host: Checking to see if we need to request sense scsi_unjam_host: Requesting sense for %d Sense requested for %p - result %x bhCommand to ID %d failed Command to ID %d timedout Total of %d+%d commands on %d devices require eh work scsi_unjam_host: Checking to see if we want to try abort scsi_unjam_host: Checking to see if we want to try BDR scsi_unjam_host: Try hard bus reset scsi_unjam_host: Unable to try hard host reset scsi_unjam_host: Try hard host reset scsi_unjam_host: Take device offline Finishing command for device %d %x scsi_unjam_host: Miscount of number of failed commands. scsi_unjam_host: Returning scsi_eh_%dWake up parent %d Error handler sleeping Error handler waking up Error handler exiting SCSI host %d abort (pid %ld) timed out - resetting SCSI host %d channel %d reset (pid %ld) timed out - trying harder SCSI host %d reset (pid %ld) timed out - trying to shake it loose SCSI host %d reset (pid %ld) timed out again - probably an unrecoverable SCSI bus or device hang. scsi%d: device driver called scsi_done() for a syncronous reset. scsi%d : channel %d target %d lun %d request sense failed, performing reset. scsi_obsolete.cInternal error %s %d scsi%d, channel %d : RESERVATION CONFLICT performing reset. Internal error %s %d status byte = %d scsi: unsupported message byte %d received scsi%d channel %d : resetting for second half of retries. Internal error in file %s, line %d. Stale command on %d %d:%d appears to have died when the bus was reset scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid %lu, scsi%d, channel %d, id %d, lun %d SCSI bus is being reset for host %d channel %d. $Header: /mnt/ide/home/eric/CVSROOT/linux/drivers/scsi/scsi_queue.c,v 1.1 1997/10/21 11:16:38 eric Exp $Inserting command %p into mlqueue scsi_mlqueue_finish starting Unable to remove command %p from mlqueue Removed command %p from mlqueue scsi_mlqueue_finish returning EEE F FFFF"scsi_register_modulescsi_unregister_modulescsi_freescsi_mallocscsi_registerscsi_unregisterscsicam_bios_paramscsi_allocate_devicescsi_do_cmdscsi_command_sizescsi_init_mallocscsi_init_freescsi_ioctlprint_commandprint_senseprint_msgprint_statusscsi_dma_free_sectorskernel_scsi_ioctlscsi_need_isa_bufferscsi_request_queueablescsi_release_commandprint_Scsi_Cmndscsi_block_when_processing_errorsscsi_mark_host_resetscsi_ioctl_send_commandscsi_logging_levelscsi_sleepproc_print_scsidevicescsi_hostlistscsi_hostsscsi_devicelistscsi_device_types5&! xtkg^OJC>< 8'#|l<cZVQIDQ=82=8*"*^ <2=8<<|<xr<xj<aY<aP<H9<H)<H<<<@<8<<!xld\WQF6#:0%}ui\PC9.~siXH00 @@_AHB%*B))B)B)) h) L) ) ( ((((}(f(9( (''v'K'/' '&&& & n& Z& D& 1& B%& % %%%%u%`%0%%%$$ $ $ }$ I$%$######r#U#(##"""j":""!!~!E!! !    w W ;    h!E!-"$%&&&x&U'E( ()***{+J,3,@,@-/00d0;01122367p9P:=; ;;;;;;l;M;<; @$; @; @; @; ;=k>B????CDEFoG]H3IJ KLNPPPcQURES*SSTUW XYnZ9ZZZ[[[[\r\\\B`@5a@a@a@b@c d *******w*k*e*X*H*B*2*'* *,,,,y,s,d,`,K,3,,,++++,,,b-@-'- -........../u/i/\/O/@/1/%///////GCC: (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU)ā! $+(2  = H 4`W;_ pk@v    9$P  tt<th #15<5ANX5t5z55"5(+!+TY~{gV@Ein+++  " ' 6 F K , i          < L Q       M y i p t x |             =+ t!r7</4  "S[d{-CHYx-`e~f/4  '0GPj&>IYotj  HQYbn~=B[i.          !)!2!:!o!t!!!!!!!! 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