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Contact author. aha152x%d: IRQ %d already in use. Configure another. aha152x%d: Unexpected error code on requesting IRQ %d. aha152x: driver needs an IRQ. aha152x: interrupt driven driver; use aha152x_queue() bus busy w/o current command, command not found aha152x: current_SC->scsi_done() == NULLdone() called outside of commandreconnecting target unknownRESELI failedtarget doesn't enter MSGI to identify (phase=%02x) unknown luntarget=%d, inbound message (%02x) != IDENTIFY lun=%d, no disconnected command for that lunaha152x: ignoring spurious interrupt, nothing to do aha152x: SWINT is set! Why? aha152x: passing bus free condition outbound SDTR: neither timeout nor selectiontarget left COMMANDNothing to send while in COMMANDtarget was not allowed to disconnectsynchronous rejected, inbound message (MESSAGE REJECT), SDTR message length != 3inbound SDTR: received SDTR invalidunsupported inbound message %x, aha152x: passing STATUS phaseaha152x: more data than expected (%d bytes) aha152x: data (%2x ) %d(%d) left in FIFO, FIFO should be emptyPARITY error in DATA phase, aha152x: unexpected phase aha152x panicenabled interrupts (ENSELDO ENSELDI ENSELINGO ENSWRAP ENSDONE ENSPIORDY ENDMADONE ENSELTIMO ENATNTARG ENPHASEMIS ENBUSFREE ENSCSIPERR ENPHASECHG ENREQINIT 0x%08x: target=%d; lun=%d; cmnd=(); residual=%d; buffers=%d; phase |not issued|in selection|disconnected|aborted|send_ident|; in other(DATA OUTDATA INCOMMANDSTATUSMESSAGE OUTMESSAGE IN*illegal*); phaseend; next=0x%08x QUEUE STATUS: issue_SC: current_SC: none disconnected_SC: 0x%08x: target=%d; lun=%d; cmnd=( 0x%02x Adaptec 152x SCSI driver; $Revision: 1.16 $ vital data: ioports 0x%04x to 0x%04x interrupt 0x%02x disconnection/reconnection %s parity checking %s synchronous transfers %s current queued %d commands synchronously operating targets (tick=50 ns): target %d: period %dT/%dns; req/ack offset %d queue status: not yet issued commands: current command: disconnected commands: noneAttached devices: %s Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d Vendor: %c Model: Rev: Type: %d ANSI SCSI revision: %02x CCS 2.0.0aha152x_csmA@@ @ .w)`Ll.6 "s(. .01.0101.01GCC: (GNU) 2.7.2GCC: (GNU) 2.7.2.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.note.comment48! 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