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P,,$        D (D D D FD D +-d*)D1Cd*/C)&))G)))),()8HAB@C@EFGH @ IJ K L@  X@XXX4444T (VXZY(x[[M,]\`a`UL3Ee=p5,&   Xf01.01end_request: I/O error, dev %s, sector %lu end_request: buffer-list destroyed 2.88M2.88M AMI BIOS1.44M720k1.2M360K PCunknownH1600D800H1840E3840E3520E3200H1920H1760h1600D1120D1040h880H1743h1494H830h420H1722h1476H820h410H1680h1440E3120E2880H1440h720h360D720D360h1200d360%s dtime=%lu floppy%d: timeout handler died: %s floppy%d: reschedule timeout floppy%d: WARNING disk change called early floppy%d: probing disk change on unselected drive floppy%d: drive=%d fdc=%d dor=%x floppy%d: checking disk change line for drive %d floppy%d: jiffies=%ld floppy%d: disk change line=%x floppy%d: flags=%x floppy%d: Disk type is undefined after disk change floppy%d: calling disk change from set_dor bad fdc value trying to lock fdc while usage count=0 lock fdcfloppy%d: FDC access conflict! floppy%d: device interrupt still active at FDC release: %p! floppy%d: calling disk change from watchdog floppy%d: disk removed during i/o zero dma transfer size:%x,non aligned address: %p DMA crossing 64-K boundary %p-%p floppy%d: Getstatus times out (%x) on fdc %d floppy%d: Unable to send byte %x to FDC. Fdc=%x Status=%x floppy%d: get result error. Fdc=%d Last status=%x Read bytes=%d floppy%d: Invalid data rate for perpendicular mode! floppy%d: perpendicular mode not supported by this FDC. : track %d, head %d, sector %d, size %dfloppy%d: -- FDC reply errorfloppy%d: Drive is write protected floppy%d: Over/Underrun - retrying floppy%d: Recalibrate failed!data CRC errorCRC errorsector not foundprobe failed...wrong cylinderbad cylinderunknown error. ST[0..2] are: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%xfloppy%d: Invalid FDC command given! floppy%d: Abnormal termination caused by polling rw_command: seek interrupt:floppy%d: seek failed floppy%d: clearing NEWCHANGE flag because of effective seek floppy%d: checking whether disk is write protected floppy%d: wp=%x floppy%d: calling disk change from seek seek command:recal interrupt:recal interrupt need 1 recal:recal interrupt need 2 recal:floppy%d: clearing NEWCHANGE flag because of second recalibrate recal interrupt default:floppy%d: %s repl[%d]=%x DOR0=%x floppy interrupt on bizarre fdc %d handler=%p bizarre fdcunexpected interruptsenseinormal interrupt endrecalibrate floppy:reset interrupt:reset set in interrupt, calling %p floppy driver state ------------------- now=%ld last interrupt=%d last called handler=%p timeout_message=%s last output bytes: %2x %2x %ld last result at %d last redo_fd_request at %d %2x status=%x fdc_busy=%d DEVICE_INTR=%p floppy_tq.routine=%p fd_timer.function=%p timer_table=%p expires=%ld now=%ld cont=%p CURRENT=%p command_status=%d floppy%d: floppy timeout called no cont in shutdown! floppy shutdownfloppy%d: calling disk change from floppy_ready floppy startfloppy%d: setting NEWCHANGE in floppy_start do wakeupwait_til_donequeue format requestrequest done %dfloppy%d: request list destroyed in floppy request done floppy%d: long rw: %x instead of %lx rs=%d s=%d rh=%d h=%d rt=%d t=%d spt=%d st=%d ss=%d floppy%d: Auto-detected floppy type %s in fd%d floppy%d: in copy buffer current_count_sectors=%ld remaining=%d CURRENT->nr_sectors=%ld CURRENT->current_nr_sectors=%ld max_sector=%d ssize=%d floppy%d: buffer overrun in copy buffer %d sector_t=%d buffer_min=%d read write floppy%d: %p buffer not aligned floppy%d: bh=null in copy buffer after copy floppy%d: weirdness: remaining %d floppy%d: make_raw_rw_request: unknown command floppy%d: zero dma transfer attempted from make_raw_request floppy%d: indirect=%d direct=%d sector_t=%dfloppy%d: internal error offset !=0 on write floppy%d: fractionary current count b=%lx s=%lx addr=%d, length=%ld st=%d ast=%d mse=%d msi=%d ssize=%x SIZECODE=%d command=%x SECTOR=%d HEAD=%d, TRACK=%d buffer drive=%d buffer track=%d buffer_min=%d buffer_max=%d floppy%d: buffer overrun in schedule dma sector_t=%d buffer_min=%d current_count=%ld floppy%d: buffer overrun in direct transfer floppy%d: more sectors than bytes bytes=%ld sectors=%ld floppy: request list destroyedfloppy: block not lockedredo fd requestfloppy%d: disk absent or changed during operation floppy%d: no autodetectable formats queue fd requestdo fd request, old request runningdo fd requestfloppy%d: setting NEWCHANGE in poll_drive weird, reset interrupt called (null)floppy%d: calling disk change from raw_cmd ioctl user formatioctl not yet supported 1.4.0obsolete floppy ioctl %x obsolete eject ioctl floppy%d: please use floppycontrol --eject <6>Floppy drive(s): , fd%d is %sfd%d is unknown type %dfloppy%d: floppy_release with fd_ref == 0floppy%d: Weird, open called with filp=0 floppy%d: Unable to allocate DMA memory floppy%d: check_floppy_change: not a floppy <6>FDC %d is an 8272A FDC %d init: DUMPREGS: unexpected return of %d bytes. <6>FDC %d is an 82072 <6>FDC %d is an 82072A <6>FDC %d is a pre-1991 82077 FDC %d init: UNLOCK: unexpected return of %d bytes. FDC %d init: PARTID: unexpected return of %d bytes. <6>FDC %d is a post-1991 82077 <6>FDC %d is an 82078. <6>FDC %d is a 44pin 82078 <6>FDC %d is a S82078B <6>FDC %d is a National Semiconductor PC87306 <6>FDC %d init: 82078 variant with unknown PARTID=%d. floppy%d: Configuring drives for inverted dcl standardbrokenfloppy%d: Assuming %s floppy hardware floppy%d: wrong number of parameter for cmos floppy%d: bad drive for set_cmos floppy%d: bad cmos code %d floppy%d: setting cmos code to %d L40SXno_unexpected_interruptsunexpected_interruptscmosusefifonofifofifo_depthdmaomnibooknodmathinkpadone_fdctwo_fdcdaringasus_pciall_drivesallowed_drive_maskfloppy%d: %s=%d floppy%d: unknown floppy option [%s] floppy%d: allowed options are: %sfloppy%d: botched floppy option floppy%d: Read linux/drivers/block/README.fd fdUnable to get major %d for floppy floppy initfloppyfloppy DIRfloppy%d: no floppy controllers found floppy%d: Unable to grab IRQ%d for the floppy driver floppy%d: Unable to grab DMA%d for the floppy driver motor off timer %d still active floppy timer still active:%s auxiliary floppy timer still active task queue still active <6>inserting floppy driver for %s floppy=GCC: (GNU) 2.7.2.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.rel.data.bss.note.rodata.comment4r! 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