PACKAGE NAME: frozen_bubble-1.0.0-i486-1rsa.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./ananda PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 7314 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 11930 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: smpeg >= 0.4.4,sdl_perl = 1.19.2 PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: frozen_bubble: frozen_bubble (Balloon shooting game) frozen_bubble: frozen_bubble: Full-featured, colorful animated penguin eyecandy, 100 levels frozen_bubble: of 1p game, hours and hours of 2p game, a level-editor, frozen_bubble: 3 professional quality 20-channels music tracks, 15 stereo frozen_bubble: sound effects, 7 unique graphical transition effects. You frozen_bubble: need this game. Requires: smpeg >= 0.4.4; sdl_perl=1.19.2 frozen_bubble: frozen_bubble: frozen_bubble: frozen_bubble: Packaged by R S Ananda Murthy on an up-to-date Slackware 10.1 system.