UPDATED 6 Apr 04. Moved scrollkeeper up over gnome-desktop since it needs it to compile This was the build order I found. But it may not be correct. If anyone has the correct build order please let me know. Each package must be built then installed before moving to the next. If the file has a # after it the build script is not finished yet so check back often for updates. Also read the READTHIS file for more information and steps to build. libxml2 libxslt glib libIDL ORBit2 intltool libbonobo pango (Not sure if this needs to be upgraded causes issues later due to modules) atk gtk+ gnome-mime-data (This is in the current source tree I think this one replaced the old shared-mime-info) gconf gnome-vfs audiofile esound libgnome libglade libart_lgpl libgnomecanvas libbonoboui hicolor-icon-theme gnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring ## Ok at this point the build script has to update the pango and gtk module files in /etc. libgnomeui startup-notification gtk-engines gnome-themes gnome-themes-extra scrollkeeper gnome-desktop libwnck gnome-panel gnome-session pygtk # May not be required vte gnome-terminal libgtop gail libxklavier metacity gnome-applets libgsf libcroco librsvg eel nautilus control-center gtkhtml2 yelp bug-buddy libgnomeprint libgnomeprintui gtksourceview gedit eog ggv file-roller gconf-editor gnome-utils gal gnome-system-monitor gstreamer gst-plugins gnome-media nautilus-media gnome-netstatus gcalctool gpdf gucharmap nautilus-cd-burner zenity gnome-speech at-spi gnome-mag gnopernicus gok epiphany gnomemeeting # pending safe to skip has a bunch of deps you can grab roberts packages if you want this. gnome-games libgail gdm ## I think below here is optional stuff. pygtk gnome-python pyorbit gdesklets acme # ghex gthumb # gftp libgda # libgnomedb # glade dasher gnome2-user-docs #