PACKAGE NAME: libglade-2.6.0-i486-2frg.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./frgnome/platform PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 161 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 620 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: gtk+2,libxml2 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libglade: libglade (UI library) libglade: libglade: The GLADE library allows loading user interfaces which are stored libglade: externally into a program. This allows the interface to be changed libglade: without recompiling the program. The interfaces can also be edited libglade: with GLADE. libglade: libglade: libglade is used extensively by GNOME, and also by xscreensaver-demo. libglade: libglade: libglade: