PACKAGE NAME: libbonobo-2.16.0-i486-1frg.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./frgnome/platform PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 889 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 3920 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: glib2,libxml2,orbit2,popt,zlib PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libbonobo: libbonobo (CORBA Interface) libbonobo: libbonobo: The bonobo library supports independant CORBA interfaces for creating libbonobo: reusable components. It provides GNOME with a framework for handling libbonobo: compound documents, such as embedding a spreadsheet in a word libbonobo: processor document. libbonobo: libbonobo: libbonobo: libbonobo: libbonobo: