Article 5323 of comp.lang.perl: Xref: comp.lang.perl:5323 Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl Path:!!convex!convex!!usc!!agate!!!!netlabs!lwall From: (Larry Wall) Subject: Re: perl script for English capitalization Message-ID: <> Sender: Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: NetLabs, Inc. References: <24tl1k$> Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1993 19:48:29 GMT Lines: 202 In article <24tl1k$> (Carl Dahlberg) writes: : Has anyone written a perl script that will correctly capitalize english text? : : i.e. D.H. LAWRENCE IS HARDLY MY ... FAVORITE AUTHOR. GET IT? : --> D.H. Lawrence is hardly my ... favorite author. Get it? : : I was going to write one, but there's enough special cases I thought : I'd save myself reinventing the wheel if someone else already had. Here's unuc again. You can't solve the problem perfectly without a complete lexicon of English (including phrases), but for a limited problem space the following is adequate. This particular version is biased in favor of translating NASA articles. Larry #!/usr/bin/perl print STDERR "Loading proper nouns...\n"; open(DICT,"/usr/dict/words") || die "Can't find /usr/dict/words: $!\n"; while () { if (/^[A-Z]/) { chop; ($lower = $_) =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; $proper{$lower} = $_; } } close DICT; print STDERR "Loading exceptions...\n"; $prog = <<'EOT'; while (<>) { next if /[a-z]/; y/A-Z/a-z/; s/(\w+)/$proper{$1} ? $proper{$1} : $1/eg; s/^(\s*)([a-z])/$1 . (($tmp = $2) =~ y:a-z:A-Z:,$tmp)/e; s/([-.?!]["']?(\n\s*| \s*)["']?)([a-z])/$1 . (($tmp = $3) =~ y:a-z:A-Z:,$tmp)/eg; s/\b([b-df-hj-np-tv-xz]+)\b/(($tmp = $1) =~ y:a-z:A-Z:,$tmp)/eg; s/([a-z])'([SDT])\b/$1 . "'" . (($tmp = $2) =~ y:A-Z:a-z:,$tmp)/eg; EOT while () { chop; next if /^$/; next if /^#/; if (! /;$/) { $foo = $_; $foo =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; print STDERR "Dup $_\n" if $proper{$foo}; $foo =~ s/([^\w ])/\\$1/g; $foo =~ s/ /(\\s+)/g; $foo = "\\b" . $foo if $foo =~ /^\w/; # XXX till patch 9 $foo .= "\\b" if $foo =~ /\w$/; $i = 0; ($bar = $_) =~ s/ /'$' . ++$i/eg; $_ = "s/$foo/$bar/gi;"; } $prog .= ' ' . $_ . "\n"; } $prog .= "}\ncontinue {\n print;\n}\n"; $/ = ''; #print $prog; eval $prog; die $@ if $@; __END__ A.M. Air Force Air Force Base Air Force Station American Apr. Ariane Aug. August Bureau of Labor Statistics CIT Caltech Cape Canaveral Challenger China Corporation Crippen Daily News in Brief Daniel Quayle Dec. Discovery Edwards Endeavour Feb. Ford Aerospace Fri. General Dynamics George Bush Headline News HOTOL I II III IV IX Institute of Technology JPL Jan. Jul. Jun. Kennedy Space Center LDEF Long Duration Exposure Facility Long March Mar. March Martin Martin Marietta Mercury Mon. in May s/\bmay (\d)/May $1/g; s/\boffice of (\w)/'Office of ' . (($tmp = $1) =~ y:a-z:A-Z:,$tmp)/eg; National Science Foundation NASA Select New Mexico Nov. OMB Oct. Office of Management and Budget President President Bush Richard Truly Rocketdyne Russian Russians Sat. Sep. Soviet Soviet Union Soviets Space Shuttle Sun. Thu. Tue. U.S. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United States VI VII VIII Vice President Vice President Quayle Wed. White Sands Kaman Aerospace Aerospace Daily Aviation Week Space Technology Washington Post Los Angeles Times New York Times Aerospace Industries Association president of Johnson Space Center Space Services Inc. Co. Hughes Aircraft Company Orbital Sciences Swedish Space Arnauld Nicogosian Magellan Galileo Mir Jet Propulsion Laboratory University Department of Defense Orbital Science OMS United Press International United Press UPI Associated Press AP Cable News Network Cape York Zenit SYNCOM Eastern Western Test Range Jcsat Japanese Satellite Communications Defence Ministry Defense Ministry Skynet Fixed Service Structure Launch Processing System Asiasat Launch Control Center Earth CNES Glavkosmos Pacific Atlantic