Article 5393 of comp.lang.perl: Xref: comp.lang.perl:5393 Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl From: (Tim Bunce) Path:!!psuvax1!!!!uunet!news!demon!!timbo Subject: Re: What's the difference? References: <> <> Organisation: Paul Ingram Group, Software Systems, +44 483 424424 Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1993 18:13:25 +0000 Message-ID: Sender: Lines: 74 From the keyboard of (Tom Christiansen): >From the keyboard of (Tim Bunce): >:join: 52 cpu seconds >:interp: 60 cpu seconds >:concat: 95 cpu seconds >:sprintf: 75 cpu seconds > >Try it on Perl5. > >--tom > Tom Christiansen 303-444-3212 Ok, here it is... Roy Johnson kindly pointed out that I wasn't quite fair (in my original post) to interpolation and sprintf, as I made them print commas when join and concat didn't have to. So I've modified the tests slightly and rerun them for perl4 and perl5: Interp: $x = "$a::$b::$c::$d::$e\n" Join: $x = join('',$a,'::',$b,'::',$c,'::',$d,'::',$e,"\n") Concat: $x = $a.'::'.$b.'::'.$c.'::'.$d.'::'.$e."\n" Sprintf: $x = sprintf("%s::%s::%s::%s::%s\n", $a,$b,$c,$d,$e); Results: Perl4 Perl5a2 Interp: 54.52 => 72.38 cpu seconds Join: 60.27 => 67.32 cpu seconds Concat: 136.88 => 73.18 cpu seconds Sprintf: 68.58 => 77.60 cpu seconds Note that the Perl4 is a fully optimised binary whereas the Perl5 is the stock out-of-the-box sparc binary built by Larry with no optimisation at all. If anyone has rebuilt perl5 with optimisation I'd be VERY interested in their own perl4 vs perl5 figures. For the curious, here's the code I used: #!/usr/local/bin/perl ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e) = ('1234567890') x 5; $loop = 1000000; print "\n"; &trial("Interp", <<'END'); $x="$a::$b::$c::$d::$e\n" END &trial("Join", <<'END'); $x=join('',$a,'::',$b,'::',$c,'::',$d,'::',$e,"\n") END &trial("Concat", <<'END'); $x=$a.'::'.$b.'::'.$c.'::'.$d.'::'.$e."\n" END &trial("Sprintf", <<'END'); $x=sprintf("%s::%s::%s::%s::%s\n", $a,$b,$c,$d,$e); END sub trial{ local($title, $code) = @_; eval join('','($u1,$s1)=times; $i=0;', 'while($i++ < $loop){', $code, '};', '($u2,$s2)=times'); printf("$title: %.2f cpu seconds $@\n\n", ($u2+$s2)-($u1+$s1)); } Regards, Tim Bunce.