!!!swrinde!!!!rsalz Mon Jan 25 23:21:54 CST 1993 Article: 528 of comp.lang.perl Xref: comp.lang.perl:528 Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl Path:!!!!swrinde!!!!rsalz From: (Rich Salz) #Subject: C News subst (also used by INN) in perl Message-ID: <> Sender: (USENET News System) Organization: Open Software Foundation Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1993 16:33:36 GMT Lines: 138 If you've built C News or INN you've run subst. subst takes a file of key/value pairs: FOO 3 BAR 5 and uses it to modify a list of files: # =()<@@ + @@>()= 4 + 6 if you then run "subst -f keyfile samplefile" you'll get # =()<@@ + @@>()= 3 + 5 kinda neat. See C News or INN for the manpage. here it is in perl. # /usr/bin/perl -- ## A Perl version of subst. %substitutions = (); ## Read substutitions file, filling in the %substitutions array. sub read_substitutions { local ($file) = @_; local ($bad, $value, $text); open(FH, $file) || die "cannot open $file $!, stopped"; $bad = 0; %substitutions = (); config: while ( ) { chop; next config if /^#/ || /^$/; unless ( ($value, $text) = /([^\t]+)\t+(.*)/ ) { $bad++; print "Bad line in $file:\n\t$_\n"; next config; } $text =~ s/\\(.)/\1/g; $substitutions{$value} = $text; } close(FH) || die "cannot close $file $!, stopped"; exit(1) if $bad; } ## Process one already-opened file. sub process { local (*IN, *NEW, $f, $new, $old) = @_; local ($bad, $count, $changed, $line, $copy); $bad = 0; $count = 0; line: while ( ) { $count++; print NEW; chop; next line if ! /=\(\)<(.*)>\(\)=/; $text = $1; $copy = $text; chop($line = ); if ( eof ) { warn "$f ends permaturely, adding line\n" $line = $text; } $count++; while ( $text =~ /(.*)@<([\w]*)>@(.*)/ ) { if ( ! defined($substitutions{$2}) ) { $bad = 1; print $f, ":", $count, ": bad line --", $copy; print NEW $copy, "\n"; next line; } $text = $1 . $substitutions{$2} . $3; } print NEW $text, "\n"; $changed = 1 if $text ne $line; } if ( !close(NEW) ) { warn "cannot close $new $!\n"; $bad = 1; } if ( $bad || !$changed ) { unlink $old, $new; print $f, ": unchanged\n"; } else { rename($f, $old) || die "cannot rename $f to $old $!, stopped"; rename($new, $f) || die "cannot rename $new to $f $!, stopped"; unlink $old; print $f, ": updated\n"; } $bad; } ## Parse "-f substitutions" arguments. die "No -f flag, stopped" if $ARGV[0] ne "-f"; shift; $file = shift || die 'No filename specified after "-f", stopped'; &read_substitutions($file); ## Process each file. $| = 1; $status = 0; file: foreach $f ( @ARGV ) { if ( !open(IN, $f) ) { print "cannot open ", $f, " ", $!, "\n"; next file; } $dir = ( $f =~ m@(.+)/.+@ ) ? "$1/" : ""; $old = $dir . "substtmp.old"; die "$old exists, cannot proceed\n" if -f $old; die "cannot create temporary $old $!\n" unless open(OLD, ">$old") && close(OLD) && unlink $old; $new = $dir . ""; die "$new exists, cannot proceed\n" if -f $new; open(NEW, ">$new") || die "cannot create temporary $new $!\n"; $status = 1 if &process(*IN, *NEW, $f, $new, $old); close(IN); } exit($status);