Xref: feenix.metronet.com comp.infosystems.www:689 Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www Path: feenix.metronet.com!news.utdallas.edu!wupost!howland.reston.ans.net!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!uwm.edu!linac!uchinews!raistlin!timbuk.cray.com!hemlock.cray.com!cjh From: cjh@cray.com (Chris J. Hector) Subject: Re: Man Page-> HTML tool and HTML WYSIWYG editor Message-ID: <1993Jul8.150049.23344@hemlock.cray.com> Lines: 76 Nntp-Posting-Host: hemlock Organization: Cray Research, Inc. References: <1993Jul6.200514.5101@ifi.uio.no> <21f2eu$2oj@umcc.umcc.umich.edu> Date: 8 Jul 93 15:00:49 CDT In article <21f2eu$2oj@umcc.umcc.umich.edu> ec@umcc.umcc.umich.edu (Iain O'Cain) writes: >In article <1993Jul6.200514.5101> terjen@ifi.uio.no (Terje Norderhaug) writes: >> >>Concerning a WYSIWYG editor for HTML: >>Framemaker and Word can be used as a WYSIWYG editor for HTML, by >>using a program that convert their files into a HTML document. >>Others on this newsgroup have such programs. Framemaker has > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >So I keep reading, but nobody has said where to get them. > >- Iain >-- >Iain O'Cain, ec@umcc.umich.edu, ec@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us; (313) 973-7528 So it is about time for a summary! Here is what I have found (from the many postings and a few email responses.) There are two man page to HTML converters. The first is written in c-shell/gawk and came from Bennet Yee (bsy+@CS.CMU.EDU) at: The sources should be accessible through my FTP page here, For a quick demo, try this. The second is written in perl and comes from the Plexus 2.2 package which is available at: http://www.bsdi.com/server/doc/plexus.html or ftp austin.bsdi.com in pub/Plexus-2.2-beta.tar.Z I have tried the converter from Bennet Yee and it works well for me. (no rhyme intended.) As for WYSIWYG editors, there is one: tkWWW - a combination viewer and HTML editor. I was able to get this working on my system in about an hour and it works fine. It is based on Tcl/Wish so you will need them as well. tkWWW-0.8.tar.z is available via anonymous ftp from info.cern.ch in pub/www/src. There were also several suggestions of using text with macros (m4) or Framemaker and Word. I have found a README file for a package (but have not tried it) to use Framemaker as an editor/viewer. The README is at info.cern.ch in pub/www/src/www_and_frame-README. As for Word, I tried the simple RTF to HTML converter provided by Chuck Shotton (The source code is available for anon FTP from: oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu in /public/unix/WWW/rtf2html.tar) This inspired me to take a crack at it myself. I borrowed code from Paul DuBois dubois@primate.wisc.edu who wrote a series of RTF2xxx translators from a single RTF reader. Using this reader I have built a RTF2HTML converter that: 1) Fully parses the RTF (it grabs all of the text and ignores much of the formatting properties.) 2) Preserves Bold and Italic properties of text. 3) Translates heading [1-5] styles to references 4) Captures PICTures and writes them to a separate file so that they may be translated using (picttoppm|ppmtogif) to a gif file. A link is made in the original document so that the picture may be viewed by clicking on a reference. I will make my code available shortly after I clean it up a bit. If anyone is interested in this work stay tuned, because I have some design questions that I would like to pose. Chris ---- Chris Hector | cjh@cray.com Cray Research, Inc | Opinions expressed are my own 655-F Lone Oak Dr. | and not necessarily those of my employer. Eagan, MN 55121