Xref: feenix.metronet.com comp.archives.msdos.announce:2582 Path: feenix.metronet.com!news.utdallas.edu!wupost!simtel.coast.net!msdos-ann-request From: afzal@divsun.unige.ch (Afzal Ballim) Newsgroups: comp.archives.msdos.announce Subject: simgrep.prl - Perl script:search SIMIBM.LST w/directory info Summary: Reposted by Keith Petersen Message-ID: <9310220823.kp2566@SimTel.Coast.NET> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1993 08:23:36 GMT Followup-To: comp.archives.msdos.d Sender: msdos-ann-request@simtel.coast.net Organization: The SimTel Software Repository (sm) Approved: w8sdz@SimTel.Coast.NET Lines: 19 I have uploaded to the SimTel Software Repository (available by anonymous ftp from the primary mirror site OAK.Oakland.Edu and its mirrors): pub/msdos/filedocs/ simgrep.prl Perl script:search SIMIBM.LST w/directory info This is a perl script to perform regular expression searching on the SIMIBM.LST file. The search is case-insensitive. Matching entries are printed along with the directory in which they occur. There is a customisation section near the head of the script which anyone using the script will have to customise :-). I am not a perl programmer, so please forgive my abuse of that language. The utility may be freely distributed/changed. Uploaded by the author. Afzal Ballim afzal@divsun.unige.ch