# [ChordPro](https://www.chordpro.org) *A lyrics and chords formatting program*   [](http://makeapullrequest.com) [](https://forthebadge.com)  [](https://groups.io/g/ChordPro) ChordPro generates professional-looking sheet music from a text file containing the lyrics of one or many songs with chord information. Check <https://chordpro.org/chordpro/chordpro-installation/> for installation instructions and execute `chordpro --help` for an overview about the available options. ## Support For general discussion, please see [the user group](https://groups.io/g/ChordPro/topics). Bugs and feature requests go to [the GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/ChordPro/chordpro/issues). ## Development Status This program implements ChordPro language version 6. It is the successor of [*Chord* and *Chord*<sub><i>ii</i></sub>](https://chordpro.org/chordpro/chordpro-history/) with additional features such as native PDF generation, Unicode input and fully customizable layout, fonts and sizes. Prominent features of ChordPro 6 are advanced text markup, annotations, integrated support for ABC, and a more powerful way of assigning typefaces to layout items. For up-to-date information, see [The ChordPro implementation](https://chordpro.org/chordpro/chordpro-reference-implementation/). ## License Copyright В© 2010,2018,2023 The ChordPro Team This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.