#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Go to a whois host and make a query, following a redirect # if it can. # # This steals network code from a web proxy perl script I wrote. # # 09 December 1999 Benjamin Elijah Griffin use strict; BEGIN { $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin' } use vars qw($EOL $tcpproto $id $host $dont $query $defhost $nsihost $VERSION); use Socket; use Carp; $VERSION = '1.0'; $EOL = "\cm\cj"; $tcpproto = getprotobyname('tcp'); $dont = 0; $host = ''; $defhost = 'rs.internic.net'; $nsihost = 'whois.networksolutions.com'; $id = $0; $id =~ s:.*/::; sub THEEND { my $signame = (shift or '(unknown)'); die "Got SIG$signame ... exiting\n"; } # &THEEND $SIG{INT} = 'main::THEEND'; $SIG{TERM} = 'main::THEEND'; while(defined($ARGV[0]) and substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) eq '-') { if (($ARGV[0] eq '-h') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--host')) { shift; if ($#ARGV >= 0 and substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) ne '-') { $host = shift; } else { print STDERR "$id: -h (--host) requires an argument\n"; usage(2); } } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-d') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--dont-follow')) { shift; $dont = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--help') { &usage(0); } else { print STDERR "$0: $ARGV[0] not a recognized option\n"; &usage(2); } } $query = shift; if (!defined($query)) { print STDERR "No query found\n"; usage(2); } elsif (!$host) { if ($query =~ m'.@.') { $host = $nsihost; } else { $host = $defhost; } } my $nport = 43; my $ans; my $notdone = 1; while ($notdone) { print "[$host]\n"; # Fetch the page $ans = &grab($host, $nport, \$query, \$EOL); if (!$dont and $ans =~ /\s+Whois\s+Server[:\s]+((?:[\w-]+\.)+\w+)\s/) { $host = $1; } else { print $ans; $notdone = 0; } } exit(0); ##################################################### # Grab an html page. Needs a remote hostname, a port number # a first line request (eg "GET / HTTP/1.0"), and the remainder # of the request (empty string if HTTP/0.9). sub grab ($$$$) { my ($remote, $port, $request, $heads) = @_; my ($iaddr, $paddr, $line); my $out = ''; my $len; my $rc; if (!($iaddr = inet_aton($remote))) { return &err404('unknown',"no host: $remote"); } $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr); if (!socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcpproto)) { return &err404('unknown', "socket: $!"); } if (!connect(SOCK, $paddr)) { return &err404('unknown', "connect: $!"); } $len = length($$request); $rc = syswrite(SOCK, $$request, $len); if ($rc != $len) { warn("request write to $remote was short ($rc != $len)\n"); } else { $len = length($$heads); $rc = syswrite(SOCK, $$heads, $len); warn("heads write to $remote was short ($rc != $len)\n") if ($rc != length($$heads)); } while ($line = &saferead()) { $out .= $line; last if ($line =~ /^\015?\012?$/); } if ($out =~ /\nContent-Length:\s+(\d+)/) { read(SOCK,$out,$1,length($out)); } else { # Back to line by line mode. while (defined($line = <SOCK>)) { $out .= $line; } } close (SOCK) || die "close: $!"; return $out; } # end &grab ##################################################### # Attempt to read a line safely from SOCK filehandle. sub saferead () { my $line; eval { local$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'timeout!' }; alarm 15; $line = <SOCK>; alarm 0; }; if ($@ and $@ !~ /timeout!/) {warn("during socket read: $@\n")} return $line; } # end &saferead ##################################################### # Print an error message sub err404 ($$) { my $server_mess = shift; my $internal_mess = shift; print STDERR "An error occured: $internal_mess\n"; if ($server_mess ne 'unknown') { print STDERR "Error continued: $server_mess\n"; } return ''; } # end &err404 ##################################################### # Print a usage message. Exits with the number passed in. sub usage ($) { my $exit = shift; print <<"EndUsage"; $0 usage: pwhois [options] query Options: -d --dont-follow don't follow redirects -h --host host use host for the query Goes to a whois host and make a query, following a redirect if it can do so and hasn't been told not to. EndUsage exit($exit); } # end &usage __END__ =head1 NAME pwhois - make whois requests, following redirections =head1 README pwhois - make whois requests, following redirections =head1 DESCRIPTION pwhois goes to a whois host and make a query, following a redirect if it finds one unless instructed not to do so. =head1 USAGE pwhois [options] query Options: =over 4 =item * -d --dont-follow don't follow redirects =item * -h host --host host use host for the query =back If a host is not specified, one of two defaults is used. For queries that have an at sign (@) with text on either side of it, whois.networksolutions.com is used. Otherwise rs.internic.net. When following redirects, pwhois will look for a 'Whois Server:' line in the whois output to know where to next go. =head1 PREREQUISITES The C<Socket> and C<Carp> modules are used. The C<strict>, C<vars>, and C<integer> pragma modules are also used. =head1 COREQUISITES No optional CPAN modules needed. =head1 OSNAMES All, hopefully. =head1 SEE ALSO L<whois>(1) =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000 by Eli the Bearded / Benjamin Elijah Griffin. Released under the same license(s) as Perl. =head1 AUTHOR Eli the Bearded originally wrote this to tool to deal with the redirections rs.internic.net suddenly started giving to whois requests. =head1 CAVEATS No protocol specification was examined in writing this, rather the behavior of L<whois>(1) was merely examined. This could mean that there are cases I don't handle write. Feel free to send patches or bugs to E<lt>eli+cpan@panix.comE<gt>. =head1 CATEGORIES =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Networking =cut