# CPU::x86_64::InstructionWriter This module is an assembler for x86-64 instructions, but using a Perl API instead of parsing assembly language, and implemented entirely in perl rather than shelling out to gcc or nasm (which can be very slow). It isn't finished, but is usable for some basic cases. # INSTALLATION You can install the latest release from CPAN: cpanm CPU::x86_64::InstructionWriter or if you have a release tarball, cpanm CPU-x86_64-InstructionWriter-005.tar.gz or manually build it with tar -xf CPU-x86_64-InstructionWriter-005.tar.gz cd CPU-x86_64-InstructionWriter-005 perl Makefile.PL make make test make install # DEVELOPMENT Download or checkout the source code, then: dzil --authordeps | cpanm dzil test To build and install a trial version, use V=0.005_01 dzil build cpanm CPU-x86_64-InstructionWriter-005_01.tar.gz