# NAME Log::Minimal::Instance - Instance based on Log::Minimal # SYNOPSIS use Log::Minimal::Instance; # log to file my $log = Log::Minimal::Instance->new( base_dir => 'log', pattern => 'myapp.log.%Y%m%d', # File::Stamped style ); # same as Log::Minimal method $log->debugf('debug'); $log->infof('info'); # ./log/myapp.log.20130101 2013-01-01T16:15:39 [DEBUG] debug at lib/MyApp.pm line 10 2013-01-01T16:15:39 [INFO] info at lib/MyApp.pm line 11 # log to stderr $log = Log::Minimal::Instance->new(); # specified $Log::Minimal::LOG_LEVEL $log = Log::Minimal::Instance->new( level => 'WARN', ); # original methods $log->infod(\%hash); $log->warnd(\@array); $log->log_to('finish.log.%Y%m%d', $message); # log to log/finish.log.20130101 # DESCRIPTION Log::Minimal::Instance is used in Log::Minimal based module to create an instance. # IMPORTED METHODS See [Log::Minimal](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Log::Minimal) - new(%args) Create new instance of Log::Minimal::Instance based on [Log::Minimal](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Log::Minimal). Attributes are following: - level Set to $Log::Minimal::LOG_LEVEL - base\_dir Base directory for log file - pattern This is file name pattern that is same of L<File::Stamped>. - critf - warnf - infof - debugf - critff - warnff - infoff - debugff # ORIGINAL METHODS - critd($value) - warnd($value) - infod($value) - debugd($value) When expressed in code the above methods: use Log::Minimal; infof( ddf(\%hash) ); - log\_to($pattern, $message) # $pattern is File::Stamped style. $log->log_to('trace.log.%Y%m%d', 'traceroute'); # ./log/trace.log.20130101 2013-01-01T16:15:40 traceroute at lib/MyApp.pm line 13 # AUTHOR Kosuke Arisawa <arisawa {at} gmail.com> # COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013- Kosuke Arisawa # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # SEE ALSO [Log::Minimal](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Log::Minimal) [File::Stamped](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?File::Stamped)