
=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Compress::LZString - LZ-based compression library


  use Compress::LZString;

  my $plain_text = "Hello, world.";
  my $compressed = compress_b64_safe($plain_text);      # BIUwNmD2A0AEDukBOYAmA6IA
  my $decompressed = decompress_b64_safe($compressed);  # Hello, world.


L<Compress::LZString> is a perl implementation of lz-string, a fast LZ-based
compression library written in javascript. It is designed to fulfill the need
of storing large amounts of data in browser's localStorage, specifically on
mobile devices.


=head2 compress

  $compressed = compress($plain_text);

Compresses the given text and returns the result set of bytes.

=head2 compress_b64

  $compressed = compress_b64($plain_text);

Returns a human-readable text stream encoded in base64.

=head2 compress_b64_safe

  $compressed = compress_b64_safe($plain_text);

Returns a text stream encoded in base64 with a few characters replaced to make
sure the result B<URI safe>, which is ready to be sent to web servers.

=head2 decompress

=head2 decompress_b64

=head2 decompress_b64_safe

Decompresses the binary/text stream processed by the function C<compress>,
C<compress_b64>, C<compress_b64_safe>, respectively.

=head2 compressToBase64

=head2 compressToEncodedURIComponent

=head2 decompressFromBase64

=head2 decompressFromEncodedURIComponent

Synonyms of C<compress_b64>, C<compress_b64_safe>, C<decompress_b64>,
C<decompress_b64_safe>, respectively. If you'd like to use the exactly same
function names as is in the JS version of lz-string, you can simply import
these functions and play with them.

=head1 VERSION

This is a port of L<lz-string|https://github.com/pieroxy/lz-string> v.1.4.4
javascript code to perl.

=head1 SEE ALSO

(released under the MIT License)

=head1 AUTHOR

Lucia PoppovГЎ <popp@cpan.org>


Copyright (C) 2021 by Lucia PoppovГЎ

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.28.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
