NAME String::IRC - add color codes for mIRC compatible client SYNOPSIS use String::IRC; my $si1 = String::IRC->new('hello'); $si1->red->underline; my $si2 = String::IRC->new('world')->yellow('green')->bold; my $msg = "$si1, $si2!"; DESCRIPTION String::IRC can be used to add color or decoration code to string. METHODS new $si = String::IRC->new('I love YAKINIKU.'); This method constructs a new "String::IRC" instance and returns it. COLOR $si->COLOR([BG_COLOR]); Add color code and return String::IRC object. BG_COLOR is optional. Available COLOR and BC_COLOR are as follows. white black blue navy green red brown maroon purple orange olive yellow light_green lime teal light_cyan cyan aqua light_blue royal pink light_purple fuchsia grey light_grey silver bold $si->bold; Add bold code and return String::IRC object. underline $si->underline; Add underline code and return String::IRC object. inverse $si->inverse; Add inverse code and return String::IRC object. stringify $si->stringify; Return string which is added color or decoration code. String::IRC calls this method implicitly by context. You may call it explicitly. AUTHOR HIROSE Masaaki <> REPOSITORY git clone patches and collaborators are welcome. SEE ALSO COPYRIGHT Copyright HIROSE Masaaki LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.