

        use Locale::Maketext::Test;
        my $foo = Locale::Maketext::Test->new(directory => '/tmp/locales'); # it will look for files like id.po, ru.po
        ### optional parameters
        # languages => ['en', 'de'] - to test specific languages in directory, else it will pick all po files in directory
        # ideally these languages should be as per format
        # debug     => 1 - if you want to check warnings add debug flag else it will output errors only
        # auto      => 1 set only when you want to fallback in case a key is missing from lexicons
        # start test
        my $response = $foo->testlocales();
        # no errors or warnings if
        $response->{status} eq 1;
        # something is wrong when
        $response->{status} eq 0;
        # check for errors and warnings in case status is 0
        $response->{errors} = {id => [qw(error1 error2)], ru => [qw(error1 error2)]};
        # warnings are only present when debug is set to 1
        $response->{warnings} = {id => [qw(warn1 warn2)], ru => [qw(warn1 warn2)]};


    This reads all message ids from the specified PO files and tries to
    translate them into the destination language. PO files can be specified
    either as file name (extension .po) or by providing the language. In
    the latter case the PO file is found in the directory given by the
    directory option.


  unknown %func() calls

    Translations can contain function calls in the form of
    %func(parameters). These functions must be defined in our code.
    Sometimes translators try to translate the function name which then
    calls an undefined function.

  incorrect number of %plural() parameters

    Different languages have different numbers of plural forms. Some, like
    Malay, don't have any plural forms. Some, like English or French, have
    just 2 forms, singular and one plural. Others like Arabic or Russian
    have more forms. Whenever a translator uses the %plural() function, he
    must specify the correct number of plural forms as parameters.

  incorrect usage of %d in %plural() parameters

    In some languages, like English or German, singular is applicable only
    to the quantity of 1. That means the German translator could come up
    for instance with the following valid %plural call:

        %plural(%5,ein Stein,%d Steine)

    In other languages, like French or Russian, this would be an error.
    French uses singular also for 0 quantities. So, if the French
    translator calls:

        %plural(%5,une porte,%d portes)

    and in the actual call the quantity of 0 is passed the output is still
    "une porte". In Russian the problem is even more critical because
    singular is used for instance also for the quantity of 121.

    Thus, this test checks if a) the target language is similar to English
    in having only 2 plural forms, singular and one plural, and in applying
    singular only to the quantity of 1. If both of these conditions are met
    %plural calls like the above are allowed. Otherwise, if at least one of
    the parameters passed to %plural contains a %d, all of the parameters
    must contain the %d as well.

    That means the following 2 %plural calls are allowed in Russian:

        %plural(%3,%d РєРЅРёРіР°,%d РєРЅРёРіРё,%d РєРЅРёРі)
        %3 %plural(%3,РєРЅРёРіР°,РєРЅРёРіРё,РєРЅРёРі)

    while this is forbidden:

        %plural(%3,РѕРґРЅР° РєРЅРёРіР°,%d РєРЅРёРіРё,%d РєРЅРёРі)



    set this if you need to check warnings along with errors


    directory where locales files are located


    language array, set this if you want to test specific language only in
    specified directory


    flag to fallback when a key is missing from lexicons

        # if this is not set then maketext will output errors if
        # translations is marked as fuzzy or is missing
        # read more about it here
        Locale::Maketext::Lexicon->import({ _auto => 1 })



    test po files in directory specified

    This returns hash with status, errors and warnings

            status   => 1/0, # 1 is success, 0 failure
            errors   => { id => [error1, error2], ru => [error1, error2] },
            warnings => { id => [warn1, warn2] }

AUTHOR, <binary at>


    Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-locale-maketext-test
    at, or through the web interface at I
    will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
    on your bug as I make changes.


    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Locale::Maketext::Test

    You can also look for information at:

      * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)

      * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation

      * CPAN Ratings

      * Search CPAN