

  Osgish is command line shell for OSGi. It is based on the Readline
  Library, Jmx4Perl as OSGi backend and Aries JMX as OSGi Management
  layer, with Perl being the glue.

  Highlights of osgish are:

  * Readline and history support based on GNU Readline/History as
    known from other shells like 'bash'. When GNU Readline is not
    available, a pure Perl Module is used instead.
  * Context sensitive argument completion, e.g. on bundle symbolic
  * Colored output (can be switched off)
  * Multi-Server support
  * Remote operation via HTTP(S)

  THIS IS A PREVIEW. Currently you can list, start and stop bundles
  only. A lot of additional functionality is planned making osgish a
  full featured OSGi shell. If you have a use case you want to have
  covered, please don't hesistate to contact
  roland@cpan.org. Everything is in the flow yet.


  Osgish consist of mainly two parts: A Perl command line script
  (along with some Perl modules) which connects to an OSGi container
  via a special OSGi agent bundle (osgish-agent.jar). This bundle
  contains the jmx4perl for exports JMX information through an OSGi
  HttpService as JSON data. The JMX MBeans used are those provided by
  the Aries (http://incubator.apache.org/aries/) which becomes an
  implementation of the (yet to be finished) specification of the OSGi
  Alliance Enterprise Expert Group (EEG), especially the "JMX
  Management Model Specification".  

  Although this setup sounds a bit involved, installation is not much
  more than installing a CPAN package and a provided OSGi bundle (the
  same as for jmx4perl). 


  The Perl part installs as any other module via Module::Build, which
  you need to have installed. Using

  perl Build.PL
  ./Build test
  ./Build install

  will install the modules. If you have Java and Maven (a Java build
  tool) installed, the agent bundle will be compiled and packaged as
  well when you use './Build dist'. However, this is not required as a
  prepackaged bundle is contained within the agent directory.

  Osgish depends on the Perl Module 'Term::ReadLine' (indirectly via
  Term::ShellUI), which can be used with various backend Readline
  implementations. The most powerful (and hence recommended)
  implementation is GNU Readline/History Library which will be used if
  installed. It is really worth to go the extra way to install GNU
  readline, even on OS X or Windows (which is not trivial). E.g. for
  OS X you can use the package 'p5-term-readline-gnu' from Mac Ports
  to install readline along with the needed module. For Debian, the
  easiest way is to install the package 'libterm-readline-gnu-perl'
  via apt. However, the default implementation Term::ReadLine::Perl
  fits nicely, too.

  For the module to work, you need to provision
  "osgi-agent-<version>.jar" to each OSGi container you want to
  connect to. Refer to your OSGi framework how to install a bundle
  (e.g. by calling 'install' in a OSGi shell or providing the bundle
  name during startup). This bundle has a dependency on an OSGi
  HttpService, which needs to be available. Some OSGi container (like
  Glassfish v3) already comes with a HttpService as an installation
  option, for others you need to install one manually. A good choice
  is the Pax Web (http://wiki.ops4j.org/display/paxweb/Pax+Web)
  HttpService. Select the pax-web-jetty-bundle when downloading, it
  contains a all you need.

  Considered you installed the HttpService at its default port 8080, 
  you can connect to it via

  osgish --server http://localhost:8080/j4p

  (This assumes, that the HttpService has a root context '/' which is
  true for Pax Web. Glassfish v3's HttpService use a root context of
  '/osgi' which results in a connect URL of

  The following OSGi platform has been confirmed to work so far

  * Felix 2.0.1
  * Equinox 3.5.1
  * Glassfish v3 
  * Spring dm Server 2.0

  Since OSGi bundles are highly portable, it is expected that every
  OSGi server with an installed HttpService should work out of the
  box.  Please open a bug at
  http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Report.html?Queue=osgish if you
  encounter any problems.


  * Osgish's source is hosted on github.com. You can clone the
    repository with git://github.com/rhuss/osgish.git as URL

  * Osgish is hosted on CPAN at http://search.cpan.org/~roland/osgish

  Copyright (C) 2009 Roland Huss (roland@cpan.org)

  Osgish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  Osgish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with osgish.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

  A commercial license is available as well. You can either apply the
  GPL or obtain a commercial license for closed source
  development. Please contact roland@cpan.org for further information.


  Just in case you need professional support for this module (or OSGi,
  JMX or JEE in general), contact roland.huss@consol.de for further
  information (or use the contact form at
  http://www.consol.com/contact/ )


  Please report any bugs and/or feature requests at 

