NAME accessors::fast - Compiletime accessors using Class::Accessor::Fast VERSION Version 0.03 SYNOPSIS package My::Simple::Package; use accessors::fast qw(field1 field2); # constructor is private, redefine only init; sub init { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; $self->field1($args{arg1}); } package main; my $o = My::Simple::Package->new( arg1 => 'some value' ); print $o->field1; # some value for ($o->field_list) { printf "object have field %s with value %s\n", $_, $o->$_; } DESCRIPTION This module was created as an alternative to "use fields", and uses Class::Accessor::Fast as a base Creates accessors at compiletime Have own default "new" method: it creates object as a blessed hash, then locks keys to defined field list, and invoke "init". So, recommended usage inside packages, is access by hash keys (it's 3 times faster then accessor). Since keys are locked, you will not suffer from autovivification. Public interface recommended to be documented as accessors. Uses Class::C3 METHODS All methods inherited from Class::Accessors::Fast. Own methods defined below new( ARGS ) Creates blessed hash, locks it keys to current fields of this package, and invoke "init" method with "ARGS" init( ARGS ) Recommended to redefine in subclasses. Will be invoked by inherited "new" field_list Since this module keeps information about object fields, it can return it. for ($o->field_list) { printf "%s: %s\n",$_,$o->$_; } FEATURES This module uses constant::def, so it behaviour could be affected by constant::abs TIE [ = 0 ] Use tied hash, instead of Hash::Util"::lock_keys". Much more slower, but could help during development. Could be enabled by # your main program/ use constant::abs 'accessors::fast::TIE' => 1; CONFESS [ = 0 ] use Carp::confess instead of croak on error conditions Could be enabled by # your main program/ use constant::abs 'accessors::fast::CONFESS' => 1; warnings This module uses warnings::register. So, warnings from it could be disabled by no warnings 'accessors::fast'; BUGS None known COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Mons Anderson. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHOR Mons Anderson, <>