Regexp::Pattern::DefHash - Regexp patterns related to DefHash

    This document describes version 0.001 of Regexp::Pattern::DefHash (from
    Perl distribution Regexp-Pattern-DefHash), released on 2021-07-22.

     use Regexp::Pattern; # exports re()
     my $re = re("DefHash::attr");

    Regexp::Pattern is a convention for organizing reusable regex patterns.

    *   attr

        Tags: anchored, capturing

        Attribute key.


        Example #1.

         ".attr" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # matches

        Example #2.

         "._attr" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # matches

        Example #3.

         ".attr1.subattr2" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # matches

        Example #4.

         "prop.attr1" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # matches

        Example #5.

         "_prop._attr1" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # matches

        Example #6.

         "Prop.attr1.subattr2.Subattr3" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # matches

        Example #7.

         "_prop.attr1" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # matches

        Cannot start with digit (1).

         ".0attr" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Cannot start with digit (2).

         "prop.0attr" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Cannot start with digit (3).

         "prop.attr.0subattr" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash (1).

         ".attr-ibute" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash (2).

         "prop-erty.attribute" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash (3).

         "prop.attr-ibute" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace (1).

         "property .attr" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace (2).

         "property.attr " =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace (3).

         ".attr " =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: dot only.

         "." =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: double dot.

         "..attr" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: dot without attr.

         "attr." =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: dot without attr (2).

         "attr.." =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH


         "" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Property, not attribute.

         "p" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Property, not attribute.

         "_" =~ re("DefHash::attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

    *   attr_part

        Tags: anchored

        Attribute part in attribute key.



         "" =~ re("DefHash::attr_part");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Example #2.

         "p" =~ re("DefHash::attr_part");  # matches

        Example #3.

         "p.q" =~ re("DefHash::attr_part");  # matches

        Dot prefix must not be included.

         ".p" =~ re("DefHash::attr_part");  # DOESN'T MATCH

    *   key

        Tags: anchored, capturing

        Attribute key or property key.

        All keys in defhash must match this pattern.


        Example #1.

         "p" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Example #2.

         "_" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Example #3.

         "prop" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Example #4.

         "Prop2" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Example #5.

         "prop_" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Cannot start with digit.

         "0prop" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash.

         "prop-erty" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace.

         "property " =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Example #9.

         ".attr" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Example #10.

         "._attr" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Example #11.

         ".attr1.subattr2" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Example #12.

         "prop.attr1" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Example #13.

         "_prop._attr1" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Example #14.

         "Prop.attr1.subattr2.Subattr3" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Example #15.

         "_prop.attr1" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # matches

        Cannot start with digit (1).

         ".0attr" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Cannot start with digit (2).

         "prop.0attr" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Cannot start with digit (3).

         "prop.attr.0subattr" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash (1).

         ".attr-ibute" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash (2).

         "prop-erty.attribute" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash (3).

         "prop.attr-ibute" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace (1).

         "property .attr" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace (2).

         "property.attr " =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace (3).

         ".attr " =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: dot only.

         "." =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: double dot.

         "..attr" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: dot without attr.

         "attr." =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: dot without attr (2).

         "attr.." =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH


         "" =~ re("DefHash::key");  # DOESN'T MATCH

    *   prop

        Tags: anchored

        Property key.


        Example #1.

         "p" =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # matches

        Example #2.

         "_" =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # matches

        Example #3.

         "prop" =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # matches

        Example #4.

         "Prop2" =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # matches

        Example #5.

         "prop_" =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # matches

        Cannot start with digit.

         "0prop" =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash.

         "prop-erty" =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace.

         "property " =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # DOESN'T MATCH


         "" =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Attribute, not property.

         "prop.attr" =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Attribute, not property.

         ".attr" =~ re("DefHash::prop");  # DOESN'T MATCH

    *   prop_or_attr

        Tags: anchored, capturing

        Attribute key or property key.

        All keys in defhash must match this pattern.


        Example #1.

         "p" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Example #2.

         "_" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Example #3.

         "prop" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Example #4.

         "Prop2" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Example #5.

         "prop_" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Cannot start with digit.

         "0prop" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash.

         "prop-erty" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace.

         "property " =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Example #9.

         ".attr" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Example #10.

         "._attr" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Example #11.

         ".attr1.subattr2" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Example #12.

         "prop.attr1" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Example #13.

         "_prop._attr1" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Example #14.

         "Prop.attr1.subattr2.Subattr3" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Example #15.

         "_prop.attr1" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # matches

        Cannot start with digit (1).

         ".0attr" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Cannot start with digit (2).

         "prop.0attr" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Cannot start with digit (3).

         "prop.attr.0subattr" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash (1).

         ".attr-ibute" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash (2).

         "prop-erty.attribute" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: dash (3).

         "prop.attr-ibute" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace (1).

         "property .attr" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace (2).

         "property.attr " =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid character: whitespace (3).

         ".attr " =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: dot only.

         "." =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: double dot.

         "..attr" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: dot without attr.

         "attr." =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

        Invalid syntax: dot without attr (2).

         "attr.." =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH


         "" =~ re("DefHash::prop_or_attr");  # DOESN'T MATCH

    Please visit the project's homepage at

    Source repository is at

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

    DefHash specification.


    Some utilities related to Regexp::Pattern: App::RegexpPatternUtils,
    rpgrep from App::rpgrep.

    perlancar <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2021 by

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.