#!/usr/local/bin/perl $version = "Kansas City POP Daemon Version 0.05"; # #=pod # #David's Pop Daemon #2 november 1999 # #implementation goals: # # be in standard perl 5 # implement rfc1725 # contain usernames, passwords and directories in the source code # run standalone (from inetd can be done by crippling this easily) # # read mail out of a directory where is has been placed one # message per file (such as a MailDir) # # Delete mail directly from the directory # # #Discussion: # # Qmail isn't the only MTA that can write to a directory; # # There should be another perl program called "PreSpool" # which can be used in a sendmail aliases file like so: # # djb: "|/usr/local/kcpm/prespool.pl /usr/users/home/bernstein/MailDir/new" # # and that will cause sendmail to deliver all incoming mails into that # directory, with unique file names even. # # #=cut # =head1 NAME popdaemon -- rfc1725 implementation. Expects to find all messages in a directory associted with each user, one message per file. This can be extended arbitrarily. =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES UNIX/System_administration Mail =head1 SYNOPSIS After editing the user specific portions, C<nohup popdaemon & > can be added to rc.local. =head1 README This program is a full implementation of rfc 1725, with an adjustment made to unsplit header lines so that Netscape Communicator will not drop the connection when it gets a message-id that is too long. All configuration is done within the code, which means that it is open to being tied to the database(s) of your choice. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1999 David Nicol <davidnicol@acm.org>. License is granted to modify and install as needed, with the expectation that this copyright notice will remain. =cut #####USER CONFIGURATION PORTION: # changing this to read from an external file # would not be difficult, but you'd still have to # edit something -- the external file -- what's the win? # Add a Passwd and a Directory entry for each user. $Passwd{'djb'} = 'Qtips'; $Directory{'djb'} = '/usr/users/home/bernstein/MailDir/new'; ######################################################### use Socket; use Fcntl ':flock'; use IO::Handle; use IO::Socket; use Carp; # Open the server socket $PortNumber = 110; $door = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp', LocalPort => $PortNumber, Listen => SOMAXCONN, Reuse => 1 ); die "Cannot set up socket: $!" unless $door; $timeout = 60; $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm or timeout\n" }; sub SockData($){ my $client = shift; my $hersockaddr = getpeername($client); my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($hersockaddr); my $herhostname = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET); my $herstraddr = inet_ntoa($iaddr); return "$herhostname $herstraddr"; }; # from perldoc perlipc: sub REAPER { # print "Handling sigCHLD\n"; $waitedpid = wait; print "Reaped $waitedpid and got status [ $? ] \n"; $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; # still loathe sysV } $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; for(;;){ until( $client = $door->accept()){ print "Accepted false socket $!"; sleep 1; }; $F = fork; die "Fork weirdness: $!" if $F < 0; if($F){ close $client; next; }; # here we are in a new process close ($door); $client->autoflush(); print "$$ New Connection\n"; &AUTHORIZATION; print "$$ authorized\n"; &TRANSACTION; print "$$ proceeding to update\n"; &UPDATE; print "$$ done\n"; exit; }; sub OK($){ my $A = shift; $A =~ s/\s+/ /g; $A =~ s/\s+\Z//g; print $client "+OK $A\r\n"; print "S: +OK $A\r\n"; alarm $timeout; }; sub ERR($){ my $A = shift; $A =~ s/\s+/ /g; $A =~ s/\s+\Z//g; print $client "-ERR $A\r\n"; print "S: -ERR $A\r\n"; alarm $timeout; }; sub AUTHORIZATION{ $Name = ''; OK "TipJar POP3 Daemon $version".SockData($client).scalar(localtime); NEEDUSER: $Data = <$client>; print "C:$Data\n"; if ($Data =~ m/^quit/i){ OK "whatever"; exit; }; ($Name) = $Data =~ m/^user (\w+)/i; unless($Name){ ERR "The itsy bitsy spider walked up the water spout"; die if ++$strikes > 5; goto NEEDUSER; }; OK "User name ($Name) ok. Password, please."; $Data = <$client>; print "C:$Data\n"; if ($Data =~ m/^quit/i){ OK "whatever"; exit; }; my($Pass) = $Data =~ m/^pass (.*)/i; $Pass =~ s/\s+\Z//g; unless($Passwd{$Name} eq $Pass){ ERR "Down came the rain and washed the spider out"; die if ++$strikes > 5; goto NEEDUSER; }; $MailDir = $Directory{$Name}; unless (-d $MailDir and opendir DIR, $MailDir ){ ERR "$MailDir does not appear to be a readable directory"; goto NEEDUSER; }; chdir $MailDir; @Messages = grep {!/PopDaemonLock/} (grep {-f $_} (readdir DIR)); # Lock the maildrop open LOCK, ">>.PopDaemonLock"; unless(flock LOCK,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB){ ERR "Maildrop contains ".scalar(@Messages)." but it is already locked"; goto NEEDUSER; }; OK "$Name has ".scalar(@Messages)." messages"; }; sub TRANSACTION{ %deletia = (); START: $_ = $Data = <$client>; unless(defined($Data)){ print "Client closed connection\n"; exit; }; print "C:$Data\n"; if (m/^quit/i){ OK "Thanks for flying sneaker express"; return; }; if (m/^STAT/i){ &STAT; goto START}; if (m/^LIST/i){ &LIST; goto START}; if (m/^RETR/i){ &RETR; goto START}; if (m/^DELE/i){ &DELE; goto START}; if (m/^NOOP/i){ &NOOP; goto START}; if (m/^RSET/i){ &RSET; goto START}; # optional commands (rfc 1725) if (m/^TOP/i){ &TOP; goto START}; if (m/^UIDL/i){ &UIDL; goto START}; ERR "I'm from Missouri"; goto START; } sub STAT{ alarm 0; #who knows how long reading the dir will take? $mm = 0; $nn = scalar(@Messages); foreach $M (@Messages){ $mm += -s "$M"; }; OK "$nn $mm"; }; sub List($){ my $M = $Messages[$_[0]-1]; return if $deletia{$M}; print $client $_[0],' ',(-s $M)."\r\n"; print "S: ", $_[0],' ',(-s $M)."\r\n"; alarm $timeout; }; sub LIST{ if (($d) = $Data =~/(\d+)/){ unless(defined($M = $Messages[$d-1])){ ERR "no message number $d"; return; }; if ($deletia{$M}){ ERR "message $d deleted"; return; }; OK "Listing $d"; List $d; return; }; OK "Listing"; $nn = scalar(@Messages); foreach $d (1..$nn){ List $d; }; print $client ".\r\n"; }; sub RETR{ unless (($d) = $Data =~/(\d+)/){ ERR "message number required"; return; }; $M = $Messages[$d-1]; unless(defined($M)){ ERR "no message $d"; return; }; if ($deletia{$M}){ ERR "message $d deleted already"; return; }; OK "Here comes ".(-s $M)." bytes"; alarm 0; open MESSAGE,"<$M"; while (defined($line = <MESSAGE>)){ print $client "." if $line =~ m/^\.\s*\Z/; print $client $line; }; print $client ".\r\n"; alarm $timeout; }; sub DELE{ unless (($d) = $Data =~/(\d+)/){ ERR "message number required"; return; }; $M = $Messages[$d-1]; unless(defined($M)){ ERR "no message $d"; return; }; if ($deletia{$M}){ ERR "message $d deleted already"; return; }; $deletia{$M} = 1; OK "message $d ($M) marked"; }; sub NOOP{ OK "whatever"; }; sub RSET{ %deletia=(); OK "biz buzz"; }; sub TOP{ unless (($d,$n) = $Data =~/(\d+) (\d+)/){ ERR "RFC1725 says TWO numbers here"; return; }; $M = $Messages[$d-1]; unless(defined($M)){ ERR "no message $d"; return; }; if ($deletia{$M}){ ERR "message $d deleted already"; return; }; OK "Here come headers for message $d ($M)"; alarm 0; open MESSAGE,"<$M"; $counter = -1; while (defined($line = <MESSAGE>) and --$counter){ # escape single dots print $client "." if $line =~ m/^\.\s*\Z/; # mush first line of oversplit header (for mozilla) if (($HB) = $line =~ m/^(\S+\:)\s+\Z/){ $line = <MESSAGE>; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line = "$HB $line"; }; print $client $line; $counter = $n if ($counter < 0 and not( $line =~ /\w/)); }; print $client ".\r\n"; alarm $timeout; }; sub UIDL{ if (($d) = $Data =~/(\d+)/){ unless(defined($M = $Messages[$d-1])){ ERR "no message number $d"; return; }; if ($deletia{$M}){ ERR "message $d deleted"; return; }; OK "$d $M"; return; }; OK "Listing file names"; alarm 0; $nn = scalar(@Messages); foreach $d (1..$nn){ print $client "$d $Messages[$d-1]\r\n"; }; alarm $timeout; print $client ".\r\n"; }; sub UPDATE{ @DeleteMe = keys %deletia; while($Target = shift @DeleteMe){ print "Trying to unlink $Target\n"; -f $Target or (print( "<$Target> is not a file"),next); unlink $Target and print "unlinked $Target\n"; }; }; __END__