Mojolicious::Plugin::REST - Mojolicious Plugin for RESTful operations


version 0.006


    # In Mojolicious Application
    $self->plugin( 'REST' => { prefix => 'api', version => 'v1' } );

    $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Account' );

    # Installs following routes:

    # /api/v1/accounts             ....  GET     "Account::list_account()"    ^/api/v1/accounts(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts             ....  POST    "Account::create_account()"  ^/api/v1/accounts(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId  ....  DELETE  "Account::delete_account()"  ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId  ....  GET     "Account::read_account()"    ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId  ....  PUT     "Account::update_account()"  ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([^/]+)$)?

    $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Feature', under => 'Account' );

    # Installs following routes:

    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features             B...  *       "Account::chained()"                 ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features
    #   +/                                             ....  GET     "Feature::list_account_feature()"    ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features             B...  *       "Account::chained()"                 ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features
    #   +/                                             ....  POST    "Feature::create_account_feature()"  ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                 ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+)
    #   +/                                             ....  DELETE  "Feature::delete_account_feature()"  ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                 ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+)
    #   +/                                             ....  GET     "Feature::read_account_feature()"    ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                 ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+)
    #   +/                                             ....  PUT     "Feature::update_account_feature()"  ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?

    $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Product', under => 'Account', types => [qw(ftp ssh)] );

    # Installs following routes:

    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products      B...  *       "Account::chained()"                      ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products
    #   +/                                      ....  GET     "Product::list_account_product()"         ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products      B...  *       "Account::chained()"                      ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products
    #   +/                                      ....  POST    "Product::create_account_product()"       ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ftp  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                      ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ftp
    #   +/                                      ....  DELETE  "Product::Ftp::delete_account_product()"  ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ssh  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                      ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ssh
    #   +/                                      ....  DELETE  "Product::Ssh::delete_account_product()"  ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ftp  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                      ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ftp
    #   +/                                      ....  GET     "Product::Ftp::read_account_product()"    ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ssh  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                      ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ssh
    #   +/                                      ....  GET     "Product::Ssh::read_account_product()"    ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ftp  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                      ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ftp
    #   +/                                      ....  PUT     "Product::Ftp::update_account_product()"  ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
    # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/products/ssh  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                      ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/products/ssh
    #   +/                                      ....  PUT     "Product::Ssh::update_account_product()"  ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?


[Mojolicious::Plugin::REST](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Plugin::REST) adds various helpers for [REST](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer)ful
[CRUD](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete) operations via
[HTTP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol) to your mojolicious application.

As much as possible, it tries to follow [RESTful API Design](https://blog.apigee.com/detail/restful_api_design) principles from Apigee.

Used in conjuction with [Mojolicious::Controller::REST](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Controller::REST), this module makes building RESTful application a breeze.

This module is inspired from [Mojolicious::Plugin::RESTRoutes](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Plugin::RESTRoutes).


This module is still under development, and it's possible that things may change between releases without warning or deprecations.


## rest\_routes

A routes shortcut to easily add RESTful routes for a resource and associations.


This module installs an before\_render application hook, which gurantees JSON output.

Refer [Mojolicious::Controller::REST](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Controller::REST) documentation for output format.

Hook installation can be disabled by passing hook => 0 in plugin options. For Example:

    $self->plugin( 'REST', prefix => 'api', version => 'v1', hook => 0 );


Following options can be used to control route creation:

- methods

    This option can be used to control which methods are created for declared rest\_route. Each character in the value of this option,
    determines if corresponding route will be created or ommited. For Example:

        $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Account', methods => 'crudl' );

    This will install all the rest routes, value `crudl` signifies:

        c - create
        r - read
        u - update
        d - delete
        l - list

    Only methods whose first character is mentioned in the value for this option will be created. For Example:

        $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Account', methods => 'crd' );

    This will install only create, read and delete routes as below:

        # /api/v1/accounts             ....  POST    "Account::create_account()"  ^/api/v1/accounts(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
        # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId  ....  DELETE  "Account::delete_account()"  ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
        # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId  ....  GET     "Account::read_account()"    ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([^/]+)$)?

    Option value `crd` signifies:

        c - create,
        r - read,
        d - delete

    Old **readonly** behaviour can thus be achieved using:

        $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Account', methods => 'cl' );

    This will install only create and list routes as below:

        # /api/v1/accounts  ....  GET   "Account::list_account()"    ^/api/v1/accounts(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
        # /api/v1/accounts  ....  POST  "Account::create_account()"  ^/api/v1/accounts(?:\.([^/]+)$)?

- name

    The name of the resource, e.g. 'User'. This name will be used to build the route url as well as the controller name.

- controller

    By default, resource name will be converted to CamelCase controller name. You can change it by providing controller name.

    If customized, this options needs a full namespace of the controller class.

- under

    This option can be used for associations. If present, url's for named resource will be created under given under resource. The actions created,
    will be bridged under `method_chained` method of given under resouce. For Example:

        $routes->rest_routes( name => 'Feature', under => 'Account' );

    This will create following routes, where routes for feature are bridged under `Account::chained()`

        # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features             B...  *       "Account::chained()"                 ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features
        #   +/                                             ....  GET     "Feature::list_account_feature()"    ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
        # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features             B...  *       "Account::chained()"                 ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features
        #   +/                                             ....  POST    "Feature::create_account_feature()"  ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
        # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                 ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+)
        #   +/                                             ....  DELETE  "Feature::delete_account_feature()"  ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
        # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                 ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+)
        #   +/                                             ....  GET     "Feature::read_account_feature()"    ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?
        # /api/v1/accounts/:accountId/features/:featureId  B...  *       "Account::chained()"                 ^/api/v1/accounts/([^\/\.]+)/features/([^\/\.]+)
        #   +/                                             ....  PUT     "Feature::update_account_feature()"  ^(?:\.([^/]+)$)?

    In Mojolicious version 5.X, the actual bridge code needs to return a true value or the dispatch chain will be broken. Please refer
    [Mojolicious Bridges Documentation](https://metacpan.org/pod/release/JHTHORSEN/Mojolicious-5.17/lib/Mojolicious/Guides/Routing.pod#Bridges) for more information on bridges in Mojolicious.
    Since Mojolicious 6.0 removed the method `bridge`, you should use `under` prefered - indeed, the `bridge` method has been marked **deprecated** since
    [Mojolicious 5.73](https://metacpan.org/source/SRI/Mojolicious-5.73/lib/Mojolicious/Routes/Route.pm).

        Mojo::Util::deprecated 'Mojolicious::Routes::Route::bridge is DEPRECATED in'
            . ' favor of Mojolicious::Routes::Route::under';

    Please refer to the latest guides for `under` method at [Mojolicious Under Documentation](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Guides::Routing#Under).

- types

    This option can be used to specify types of resources available in application.


- method\_chained

    If present, this value will be used as a method name for chained methods in route bridges.

- prefix

    If present, this value will be added as prefix to all routes created.

- version

    If present, this value will be added as prefix to all routes created but after prefix.

- http2crud

    If present, given HTTP to CRUD mapping will be used to determine method names. Default mapping:

            collection => {
                get  => 'list',
                post => 'create',

            resource => {
                get    => 'read',
                put    => 'update',
                delete => 'delete'


Abhishek Shende <abhishekisnot@gmail.com>


- Denis Ibaev <dionys@gmail.com>
- Huo Linhe <huolinhe@berrygenomics.com>
- Vincent HETRU <vincent.hetru@13pass.com>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Abhishek Shende.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.