# NAME WebService::Pornhub - Perl interface to the Pornhub.com API. # SYNOPSIS use WebService::Pornhub; my $pornhub = WebService::Pornhub->new; # Search videos from Pornhub API my $videos = $pornhub->search( search => 'hard', 'tags[]' => ['asian', 'young'], thumbsizes => 'medium', ); # Response is Array reference, Perl data structures for my $video (@$videos) { say $video->{title}; say $video->{url}; } # DESCRIPTION WebService::Pornhub provides bindings for the Pornhub.com API. This module build with role [WebService::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::Client). # METHODS ## new my $pornhub = WebService::Pornhub->new( timeout => 20, # optional, defaults to 10 logger => Log::Fast->new(...), # optinal, defaults to none log_method => 'DEBUG', # optional, default to 'DEBUG' ); Prameters: - timeout: (Optional) Integer. Defaults to `10` - retries: (Optional) Integer. Defaults to `0` - logger: (Optional) Log module instance, such modules as [Log::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Tiny), [Log::Fast](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Fast), etc. - log\_method: (Optional) Text. Defaults to `DEBUG` ## search my $videos = $pornhub->search( search => 'hard', 'tags[]' => ['asian', 'young'], thumbsizes => 'medium', ); Parameters: - category: (Optional) - page: (Optional) Integer - search: (Optional) Text - phrase\[\]: (Optional) Array. Used as pornstars filter. - tags\[\]: (Optional) Array - ordering: (Optional) Text. Possible values are featured, newest, mostviewed and rating - period: (Optional) Text. Only works with ordering parameter. Possible values are weekly, monthly, and alltime - thumbsize: (Required). Possible values are small,medium,large,small\_hd,medium\_hd,large\_hd ## get\_video my $video = $pornhub->get_video( id => '44bc40f3bc04f65b7a35', thumbsize => 'medium', ); Parameters: - id: (Required) Integer - thumbsize: (Optional) If set, provides additional thumbnails in different formats. Possible values are small,medium,large,small\_hd,medium\_hd,large\_hd ## get\_embed\_code my $embed = $pornhub->get_embed_code( id => '44bc40f3bc04f65b7a35', ); Parameters: - id: (Required) Integer ## get\_deleted\_videos my $videos = $pornhub->get_deleted_videos( page => 3, ); Parameters: - page: (Required) Integer ## is\_video\_active my $active = $pornhub->is_video_active( is => '44bc40f3bc04f65b7a35', ); Parameters: - id: (Required) Integer ## get\_categories my $categories = $pornhub->get_categories(); There are no parameters for this method. ## get\_tags my $tags = $pornhub->get_tags( list => 'a', ); Parameters: - list: a-z for tag starting letter, 0 for other. ## get\_stars my $stars = $pornhub->get_stars(); There are no parameters for this method. ## get\_stars\_detailed my $stars = $pornhub->get_stars_detailed(); There are no parameters for this method. # SEE ALSO - [WebService::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::Client) - [pornhub-api - npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pornhub-api) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Yusuke Wada. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Yusuke Wada <yusuke@kamawada.com>