NAME SQL::QueryMaker - helper functions for SQL query generation SYNOPSIS my $query = sql_eq(foo => $v); $query->as_sql; # `foo`=? $query->bind; # ($v) my $query = sql_lt(foo => $v); $query->as_sql; # `foo`<? $query->bind; # ($v) my $query = sql_in(foo => [ $v1, $v2, $v3, ]); $query->as_sql; # `foo` IN (?,?,?) $query->bind; # ($v1,$v2,$v3) my $query = sql_and(foo => [ sql_ge($min), sql_lt($max) ]); $query->as_sql; # `foo`>=? AND `foo`<? $query->bind; # ($min,$max) my $query = sql_and([ sql_eq(foo => $v1), sql_eq(bar => $v2) ]; $query->as_sql; # `foo`=? AND `bar`=? $query->bind; # ($v1,$v2) my $query = sql_and([ foo => $v1, bar => sql_lt($v2), ]); $query->as_sql; # `foo`=? AND `bar`<? $query->bind; # ($v1,$v2) DESCRIPTION This module concentrates on providing an expressive, concise way to declare SQL expressions by exporting carefully-designed functions. It is possible to use the module to generate SQL query conditions and pass them as arguments to other more versatile query builders such as SQL::Maker. The functions exported by the module instantiate comparator objects that build SQL expressions when their "as_sql" method are being invoked. There are two ways to specify the names of the columns to the comparator; to pass in the names as argument or to specify then as an argument to the "as_sql" method. FUNCTIONS "sql_eq([$column,] $value)" "sql_lt([$column,] $value)" "sql_gt([$column,] $value)" "sql_le([$column,] $value)" "sql_ge([$column,] $value)" "sql_like([$column,] $value)" "sql_is_null([$column])" "sql_is_not_null([$column])" "sql_not([$column])" "sql_between([$column,] $min_value, $max_value)" "sql_not_between([$column,] $min_value, $max_value)" "sql_in([$column,] \@values)" "sql_not_in([$column,] \@values)" Instantiates a comparator object that tests a column against given value(s). "sql_and([$column,] \@conditions)" "sql_or([$ column,] \@conditions)" Aggregates given comparator objects into a logical expression. If specified, the column name is pushed down to the arguments when the "as_sql" method is being called, as show in the second example below. sql_and([ # => `foo`=? AND `bar`<? sql_eq("foo" => $v1), sql_lt("bar" => $v2) ]) sql_and("foo" => [ # => `foo`>=$min OR `foo`<$max sql_ge($min), sql_lt($max), ]) "sql_and(\%conditions)" "sql_or(\%conditions)" Aggregates given pairs of column names and comparators into a logical expression. The value part is composed of as the argument to the "=" operator if it is not a blessed reference. my $query = sql_and({ foo => 'abc', bar => sql_lt(123), }); $query->as_sql; # => `foo`=? AND bar<? $query->bind; # => ('abc', 123) "sql_op([$column,] $op_sql, \@bind_values)" Generates a comparator object that tests a column using the given SQL and values. "<@"> in the given SQL are replaced by the column name (specified either by the argument to the function or later by the call to the "<as_sql"> method), and "<?"> are substituted by the given bind values. "sql_raw($sql, @bind_values)" Generates a comparator object from raw SQL and bind values. "<?"> in the given SQL are replaced by the bind values. "$obj->as_sql()" "$obj->as_sql($column_name)" "$obj->as_sql($column_name, $quote_identifier_cb)" Compiles given comparator object and returns an SQL expression. Corresponding bind values should be obtained by calling the "bind" method. The function optionally accepts a column name to which the comparator object should be bound; an error is thrown if the comparator object is already bound to another column. The function also accepts a callback for quoting the identifiers. If omitted, the identifiers are quoted using "`" after being splitted using "."; i.e. a column designated as "" is quoted as `foo`.`bar`. "$obj->bind()" Returns a list of bind values corresponding to the SQL expression returned by the "as_sql" method. CHEAT SHEET IN: sql_eq('foo' => 'bar') OUT QUERY: '`foo` = ?' OUT BIND: ('bar') IN: sql_in('foo' => ['bar', 'baz']) OUT QUERY: '`foo` IN (?,?)' OUT BIND: ('bar','baz') IN: sql_and([sql_eq('foo' => 'bar'), sql_eq('baz' => 123)]) OUT QUERY: '(`foo` = ?) AND (`baz` = ?)' OUT BIND: ('bar',123) IN: sql_and('foo' => [sql_ge(3), sql_lt(5)]) OUT QUERY: '(`foo` >= ?) AND (`foo` < ?)' OUT BIND: (3,5) IN: sql_or([sql_eq('foo' => 'bar'), sql_eq('baz' => 123)]) OUT QUERY: '(`foo` = ?) OR (`baz` = ?)' OUT BIND: ('bar',123) IN: sql_or('foo' => ['bar', 'baz']) OUT QUERY: '(`foo` = ?) OR (`foo` = ?)' OUT BIND: ('bar','baz') IN: sql_is_null('foo') OUT QUERY: '`foo` IS NULL' OUT BIND: () IN: sql_is_not_null('foo') OUT QUERY: '`foo` IS NOT NULL' OUT BIND: () IN: sql_between('foo', 1, 2) OUT QUERY: '`foo` BETWEEN ? AND ?' OUT BIND: (1,2) IN: sql_not('foo') OUT QUERY: 'NOT `foo`' OUT BIND: () IN: sql_op('apples', 'MATCH (@) AGAINST (?)', ['oranges']) OUT QUERY: 'MATCH (`apples`) AGAINST (?)' OUT BIND: ('oranges') IN: sql_raw('SELECT * FROM t WHERE id=?',123) OUT QUERY: 'SELECT * FROM t WHERE id=?' OUT BIND: (123) IN: sql_in('foo', => [123,sql_raw('SELECT id FROM t WHERE cat=?',5)]) OUT QUERY: '`foo` IN (?,(SELECT id FROM t WHERE cat=?))' OUT BIND: (123,5) AUTHOR Kazuho Oku SEE ALSO SQL::Abstract SQL::Maker LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.