RSH-Logging version 0.3.1

RSH::Logging is kind of like poor‐man’s profiling or dtrace.  It is
designed on the same concepts behind logging packages like
Log::Log4perl, that when event tracking is off, there be little to no
overhead incurred by leaving the code in place.  This allows you to
instrument all your code and frameworks and then dynamically turn on
this kind of profiling information when you need it.

Execute perldoc lib/RSH/ to see the more detailed documentation
for this module.

RSH::Logging makes use of Module::Install for building, installation,
and packaging.


    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install


The dependencies should be satisfied via Module::Install.  See the
Makefile.PL for a list of specific module dependencies.


Copyright (C) 2007, Matt Luker

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.