#!/usr/bin/perl -w #use diagnostics -verbose; ############################################################################# # If you contribute to this script or alter it in some productive way please # let me know so I can include it in the official release. # # Much thanks to Barnes and Noble bookstore for making it possible to find # excellent books on Perl # # Much thanks to Larry Wall for Perl # # Much thanks and gratitude to my programming guru "LZ" (Hey, next time # I'll try it in Tcl...) # ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # Variables and Configuration Settings ############################################################################# use strict; use CPAN; use Config qw(config_sh); use File::Listing; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); use LWP; use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::MediaTypes qw(media_suffix); use URI::URL qw(url); use HTML::Entities (); use HTML::Parse; use HTML::FormatText; use Business::ISBN qw(is_valid_checksum); use vars qw( $HELP $ISBN_SEARCH $INFILE $TITLE_SEARCH $BARCODE $OUTFILE $HTML $VERBOSE $VERSION); my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s|.*/||; $progname =~ s|.*\\||; $progname =~ s/\.\w*$//; my $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%d.%2d", q$Revision: 0.5.0 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)/); my $MAIL = qw"thebladerunner@xmission.com"; my $url = ""; my $post_title = qw"http://shop.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/results.asp?TTL="; my $post_isbn = qw"http://shop.bn.com/bookSearch/isbnInquiry.asp?isbn="; my $in_method =""; my $out_method =""; my $v =""; my $count = ""; my $ifts = ""; my $ifis = ""; ############################################################################# # Code Section ############################################################################# &file_check; die (&usage) if (!(@ARGV)); GetOptions("version" => \&print_version, "help|h" => \&usage, "isbn|i|I=s" => \$ISBN_SEARCH, "title|t|T:s" => \$TITLE_SEARCH, "infile|in|IN:s" => \$INFILE, "barcode|b" => \$BARCODE, "outfile|o|O:s" => \$OUTFILE, "html:s" => \$HTML, "verbose" => \$VERBOSE); $in_method = "1" if ($ISBN_SEARCH || $TITLE_SEARCH || $INFILE || $BARCODE); $out_method = "1" if ($OUTFILE || $HTML || $VERBOSE); unless ($in_method and $out_method) { print "\n\tAN INPUT AND AND OUTPUT METHOD MUST BE DEFINED\n"; &usage; die;} if ($VERBOSE){ $v = 1}; if ($ISBN_SEARCH){ print "\nDoing an ISBN search\n"; &get_info_from_isbn}; if ($TITLE_SEARCH){ print "\nDoing a Title search\n"; &get_info_from_title}; if ($INFILE){ print "\nDoing a search via $INFILE\n"; &get_info_from_infile}; if ($BARCODE){ print "\nDoing a search via ISBN Barcode\n"; &get_info_from_barcode}; if ($OUTFILE){ &save_to_outfile}; if ($HTML){ &save_to_html}; unlink "database.tmp"; unlink "tempfile.tmp"; ############################################################################# # Subroutine Section ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # # sub file_check #checks for prerequisit modules and installs them # ############################################################################# sub file_check{ print "\n\tChecking for required modules...\n"; my $str = "perl -MCPAN -MBarcode::Cuecat -MBusiness::ISBN -MConfig -MFile::Listing -MGetopt::Long -MBusiness::ISBN -MLWP -MLWP::UserAgent -MLWP::MediaTypes -MURI::URL -MHTML::Entities -MHTML::Parse -MHTML::FormatText -MBusiness::ISBN "; $str .= " -e 'exit;' "; my $return = system ($str); if ($return == 0) { print "\n\t...Required modules found\n"; }else{ print "\nThe required modules were not found on your system\n\n"; print "Installing the required modules via CPAN\n"; for my $mod (qw(Barcode::Cuecat Business::ISBN )) { my $obj = CPAN::Shell->expand('Module', $mod); if (!$obj) {die "\nUnable to connect... \nPlease connect and try again\n";} $obj->install; } } } ############################################################################# # sub get_info_from_isbn ############################################################################# sub get_info_from_isbn (){ my $isbn = $_[0]; $isbn = $ISBN_SEARCH if ($ISBN_SEARCH); if ($BARCODE){ open (TEMPFILE, "tempfile.tmp") or die "\tcould not open data file\n"; my @working_array = (); while (@working_array){ my $isbn = pop @working_array; print "\nProcessing ISBN code: $isbn\n\n"; $url = $post_isbn . $isbn; print "url: $url\n" if $v; &post_method($url); close TEMPFILE; } } else{ $url = $post_isbn . $isbn; print "url: $url\n" if $v; &post_method($url); } } ############################################################################# # sub get_info_from_title ############################################################################# sub get_info_from_title (){ my $title = $_[0]; $title = $TITLE_SEARCH if ($TITLE_SEARCH); print "\nSearching for:\t$title\n" if $v; $_ = $title; $title =~ s/\s/\+/g; $url = $post_title . $title; print "url: $url\n\n" if $v; &post_method($url); } ############################################################################# # sub get_info_from_barcode ############################################################################# sub get_info_from_barcode { my $isbn; open (TEMPFILE, "+>>tempfile.tmp") or die "\tcould not open data file\n"; while(1){ print "scan barcode now or \'q\' to quit\n\n"; $isbn = ; chomp($isbn); last if($isbn eq "q"); $isbn = &Cue_Decrypt($isbn) if($isbn =~ /\./); $isbn =~ s/^978//; $isbn = substr($isbn,0,10); my $cs = new Business::ISBN($isbn); $cs->fix_checksum(); $isbn = $cs->as_string(); $isbn =~ s/\-//g; print "ISBN code: $isbn\n\n"; print TEMPFILE "$isbn\n"; } close TEMPFILE; &get_info_from_isbn; } ############################################################################# # sub Cue_Decrypt #much thanks again to Larry Wall for this snippit ############################################################################# sub Cue_Decrypt{ $_ = shift; my @data = map { tr/a-zA-Z0-9+-/ -_/; $_ = unpack 'u', chr(32 + length()*3/4) . $_; s/\0+$//; $_ ^= "C" x length; } /\.([^.]+)/g; return($data[2]); } ############################################################################# # sub get_info_from_infile ############################################################################# sub get_info_from_infile($INFILE) { my $isbn; my $title; open (IN, "<$INFILE") || die "\t\ncould not open $INFILE\n"; my @working_array = (); while (@working_array){ my $file = shift (@working_array); chop $file; ($title, $isbn) = split (/,/,$file); if ($isbn){ $ifis = "1"; &get_info_from_isbn($isbn); } elsif (!$isbn && $title){ $ifts = "1"; &get_info_from_title($title); close (IN); } } } ############################################################################# # sub save_to_outfile ############################################################################# sub save_to_outfile{ open (DATAFILE, "database.tmp") || die "\t\ncould not open data file\n"; open (OUT, ">$OUTFILE") || die "\t\ncould not create $OUTFILE\n"; print "\n\tSaving $OUTFILE\n"; my @working_array = (); while (@working_array){ my $file = shift (@working_array); print OUT "$file"; } close (OUT); close (DATAFILE); } ############################################################################# # sub print_version ############################################################################# sub print_version{ print <<"EOT"; \nThis is version: $VERSION of ($progname) Copyright 2002, Jason Carling. $MAIL This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. EOT exit 0; } ############################################################################# # sub usage ############################################################################# sub usage{ die <<"EOT"; Usage: $progname [options] Usage: $progname --isbn 0123456789 --outfile foo.txt Allowed options are: --help prints this help page --version prints the version number INPUTS -i --isbn "ISBN number" as a 10 or 13 digit ISBN number -t --title "TITLE" (surround with quotes) -in --infile "FILENAME" as a tab seperated input file -b --barcode "BARCODE" accepts input via a CueCat barcode scanner OUTPUTS -o --outfile "FILENAME" as a tab seperated output text file -ht --html "FILENAME" as an html formatted output file --verbose print to STDOUT EOT } ######################################################################################## # sub get_html: writes an html formated file # # This is formatted how I wanted to see it. If you want something # different to the HTML formatting just change it here. # ######################################################################################## sub save_to_html (){ my $title = ""; my $price = ""; my $authors = ""; my $format = ""; my $publisher = ""; my $pub_date = ""; my $isbn =""; print "\n\tSaving HTML file\n"; open (HTMLOUT, "+>>$HTML") or die "\tcould not open $HTML"; print HTMLOUT qq( Perl BookSearch

Perl BookSearch


Title: ISBN: Price: Authors: Format: Publisher: Publication Date: ); open (DATAFILE, "); while (@working_array) { my $file = shift (@working_array); # chop ($file); ($title, $isbn, $price, $authors, $format, $publisher, $pub_date) = split (/,/,$file); print HTMLOUT qq(
); print HTMLOUT qq($title$isbn$price$authors$format$publisher$pub_date\n); }; print HTMLOUT qq(

mailto: thebladerunner

\n); close HTMLOUT; close DATAFILE; } ############################################################################# # sub post_method ############################################################################# sub post_method (){ my $title = ""; my $price = ""; my $authors = ""; my $format = ""; my $publisher = ""; my $pub_date = ""; my $isbn = ""; my $count = ""; my $start = ""; my @book; my $search = ""; my $foo; open (DATAFILE, "+>>database.tmp"); ############################################################################# if ($TITLE_SEARCH || $ifts){ if (!$url){die "\nNO URL FOUND\n";} my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("bn_perl_agent/0.5 " . $ua->agent); my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $url; $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); my $res = $ua->request($req); my $content = $res->content; $content =~ /vc_show_cartbutton\('(\d+)'\,2\)\;\/\/-->/; $search = $1; $count = 1; } ############################################################################# if ($ISBN_SEARCH || $BARCODE || $count || $ifis){ $url = "http://shop.bn.com/bookSearch/isbnInquiry.asp?isbn=$search" if $count; if (!$url){die "\nNO URL FOUND\n";} my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("bn_perl_agent/0.5 " . $ua->agent); my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $url; $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); my $res = $ua->request($req); my $content = $res->content; my @content = split("\n", $content); my $start = ""; foreach (@content){ if(//){ $start++; } if($start){ s/\ / /g; my $foo = HTML::FormatText->new->format(parse_html($_)); last if ($foo =~ /If you are still unable to locate this book/gi); if($foo !~ /^\s+$/){ if($foo !~ /IMAGE/){ if($foo !~ /TABLE NOT SHOWN/){ push(@book, $foo); } } } if(/Pub\. Date/) { $start = 0; } } } $title = $book[0]; $authors = $book[1]; $authors =~ s/editor//gi; $authors =~ s/\(\)//gi; chomp($title); chomp($authors); foreach(@book){ if(/Retail Price:/){ $price = $_; $price =~ s/^\W*Retail Price://; $price =~ s/^\s+//; $price =~ s/,/ /g; chomp($price); }elsif(/Our Price:/){ $price = $_; $price =~ s/^\W*Our Price://; $price =~ s/^\s+//; $price =~ s/,/ /g; chomp($price); } if(/Format:/){ $format = $_; $format =~ s/^\W*Format://; $format =~ s/^\s+//; $format =~ s/,/ /g; chomp($format); } if(/Publisher:/){ $publisher = $_; $publisher =~ s/^\W*Publisher://; $publisher =~ s/^\s+//; $publisher =~ s/,/ /g; $publisher = ~s/O\'Reilly & Associates Incorporated/O\'Reilly/; # I made this last change because the whole O'Reilly name # took up too much space on screen. My apologies to Tim. chomp($publisher); } if(/Pub\. Date:/){ $pub_date = $_; $pub_date =~ s/^\W*Pub\. Date://; $pub_date =~ s/^\s+//; $pub_date =~ s/,/ /g; chomp($pub_date); } if(/ISBN:/){ $isbn = $_; $isbn =~ s/^\W*ISBN://; $isbn =~ s/^\s+//; chomp($isbn); } } print<. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright Jason Carling, 2002. Licenced under the Perl Artistic License. =head1 README bn is a Perl bot for searching book / media information and saving the output as either a comma seperated text file or in HTML format. =cut