# NAME Test::Base::Less - Enables Test::Base to use subtest # SYNOPSIS use Test::Base::SubTest; filters { input => [qw/eval/] }; run { my $block = shift; is($block->input, $block->expected); }; done_testing; __DATA__ ### subtest 1 === test 1-1 --- input: 4*2 --- expected: 8 === test 1-2 --- input : 3*3 --- expected: 9 ### subtest 2 === test 2-1 --- input: 4*3 --- expected: 12 # DESCRIPTION # FUNCTIONS # SEE ALSO Most of code is taken from [Test::Base::Less](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Base::Less). # AUTHOR Hiroki Honda <cside.story@gmail.com> # LICENSE Copyright (C) Hiroki Honda This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.